1 - How You Met

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You met when you were children. You went to the same play group. This was before the flare was released. You were taken to WICKED together and since then you've been like glue.

You met on The train journey to WICKED base and you grew really close and snuck out to see eachother every single night. One day he didn't come to your meeting but Minho and Alby were there, and they told you that Newt had been sent away so you cried and cried for days. Then one day you got sent up in the Boys glade, and you remembered eachother despite every effort WICKED made to stop you.

You met in the scorch when him and his friends from the glade passed through your town. You were originally surviving alone but you found Minho and he took you to the safe haven, being protective of you all the way.

You were forced to work for WICKED by your father, he thought it was the only way they wouldn't kick you out. After Gally went crazy for killing chuck and got taken into headquarters, you were the only one who could calm him down. You both escaped to the Right Arm and helped the Gladers with all the immunes, whilst escaping yourself.

You met on your first day in the Glade. The boys were all trying to flirt with you and you didn't like it so you ran away to the kitchen without realising that Frypan was in there. You sat there crying and Frypan came to comfort you, since then you were inseperable.

You met when you came up in the box. He saw you and helped you out, gave you the tour and protected you from any boys who were a bit too arrogant. He told you about everyone and who to stay away from, who to hang around.

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