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If there was any one thing that older brothers hated the most, it was seeing their little sister fall in love. The Salvatore brothers had practically raised Eira, they were very protective of her. So, of course, they were reluctant to accept any relationship she had with, anybody.

Especially Niklaus Mikaelson.

But Eira was relentless in her efforts to care for Klaus. Her brothers were forced to accept their relationship. But there was one thing, they didn't want at all: her to marry somebody.

So, when Klaus uttered out the sentence telling the brothers that he had proposed to Eira and she said yes. They were completely and utterly against it. There was only one word they uttered out as they realized their sister was getting married: no.

With displeased expressions, more like horrified expressions, Damon and Stefan uttered out many no's in a span of a minute. Stefan had wrinkles lining his forehead and a deep frown. Damon had deep scowl set on his face with eyes in sort of glare. Once that minute passed, her brothers acted.

Damon acted out of anger and he vamp sped over to Klaus, punching him in the face harshly. Stefan had decided to act as well, using vamp speed and strength, throwing Klaus into the wall of the hallway outside the kitchen. Eira's eyes widened at what was occurring in front of her all too quickly.

Klaus had a glare as he looked at the Salvatore brothers. His first thought was to act with violence against the brothers, but he wouldn't. They were Eira's brothers, meaning they were untouchable as long as she cared for them.

"There is no way you're marrying my little sister," Damon glared.

"It's up to your sister to make that decision. Not yours," Klaus stated and Damon went to punch him again.

Eira moved in front of Damon, stopping him from acting out. He went to move around her, but Eira put her hands on his shoulders, stopping him again.

"Would you just stop it? Hitting him isn't going to change anything," Eira argued.

"Well, I would enjoy it," Damon tried moving forward again, but Eira pushed against his shoulders again, making him stay in his place.

Eira looked at Stefan for help, but he just shook his head, "I actually agree with Damon. You're not marrying him."

"Stefan! You're supposed to be on my side," Eira exclaimed.

"On the side where you're allowed to marry him? No," Stefan argued.

   "You can disapprove all you want, but I am marrying him," Eira said with a determined look on her face and conviction in her voice.

"You said you would wait," Damon argued.

"You wanted me to wait. I never said that I would. It's not like I expected for Klaus to propose to me," Eira said and looked at Klaus.

"You're right, you didn't expect it? Nothing would've happened unless Elijah didn't ask you to distract Klaus," Damon started to place blame.

"Oh god," Eira put a hand on her forehead, worried about what her brothers would do next.

Klaus stepped forward and pulled Eira to him, her head automatically resting against his chest as his arms immediately made a cocoon around her, one hand rested on her back and the other on the back of her head.

"The both of you are stressing her," Klaus glared at the Salvatore brothers. "It's not good for her or our two unborn children."

The Salvatore brothers calmed down at that, agreeing with him, not wanting to put stress on her. Rebekah stepped forward, bummed that the drama had ended, but she didn't want anything to happen to those children, either, so she was glad as well.

"Well, I, for one, am glad that my brother chose you to propose to. I would've hated any other girl that he decided to bring into the family," Rebekah stated with a small smile directed at Eira.

    "Thanks, Bekah," Eira smiled.

     "What is all the noise about?" Kol questioned, walking into the room.

     "Klaus proposed to me, I said yes," Eira said and then looked at her brothers who were momentarily not arguing. "They were disagreeing."

    "Congratulations, Nik," Kol said to Klaus and then smirked at Eira. "Welcome to the family, darling."

    Eira pulled away from Klaus slightly, noticing that there was dried blood on his chin from where Damon punched him, he had probably had a split lip but it was healed now, only blood remained. Eira pulled away completely and looked at Kol, "Thank you for welcoming me into your family."

   "Although, it's not quite official yet," Eira looked at Klaus. "We're just engaged, but I'm sure that'll change soon."

   Her brothers grumbled and Eira took Klaus's hand, leading him away from the kitchen. He followed willingly. She led him into a bathroom and he stopped, leaning against the doorway. Eira took a rag and soaked it in water.

"What are you doing?" Klaus asked.

"Just come here," Eira pointed a finger, directing it between him and herself, telling him to come to her.

Klaus walked into the bathroom and he stopped in front of her. Eira reached up with the rag, wiping the blood off his chin. Klaus relaxed as she gently wiped away the blood. The hand holding the rag was the one with the ring on her finger.

"How long did your brothers want you to wait to marry me?" Klaus asked.

Eira turned the rag upside, using the dry side to wipe away the water and she answered, "A century."

Klaus frowned, "There's no way I would've been able to wait that long."

Eira placed the rag on the bathroom counter and then looked up at him,"Neither could I."

Klaus smiled and he leaned in towards her, kissing her softly on the lips. Then he pulled away shortly after and put his hands on the side of her face, "I love you."

Eira put her hands on his hands, "You love me enough to put up with my two overprotective brothers?"

"I love you enough to put up with anything."

Author's Note: Okay, I finally I updated. I'm sorry it took me so long but I rewrote this thing like 3 times until I got the reactions I wanted. Elijah and Marcel will find out in the next one.

I just got to rant. A reader has really ticked me off with their comments. Like, I get some people may not like this book or Eira as a character and that's perfectly okay, but to like deliberately leave negative comments that have such a nasty attitude behind them (trust me you can feel the attitude through the screen), is not okay. If people don't like the book or the character, that's fine, stop the reading the book, but don't diss the book or the character. Yes, people are allowed to comment on Wattpad and give their thoughts, but don't make an author feel like their work is complete garbage, it's just wrong. And I have had to put up with a lot of rude comments in this book, like it gets me so frustrated.

Okay, my rant is over. I'll have another update tomorrow and I'll get back to the actual episode.

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