3.Burgers and an Impala

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  "OMYGOD MY LEGS" I groan after siting on a plane for almost five hours. Jamie and Megan aren't used to sitting for so long obviously; Jamie sprints to the nearest toilet, while Megan sprawls out on a gate waiting area couch. I leave my bags with her and go to buy some food at Smash Burger for the three of us. As I walk back to the area where I left Megan and my bags I notice she's fallen asleep already so I throw a wrapped up sandwich at her and say "GOODMORNINGSUNSHINE" in her ear. I paid for that with a swift punch to the stomach.

  "What was that for?! You almost gave me a freaking heart attack!" Megan shouted, attracting a few witnesses from behind her.

'Oh god, why is she laughing at my pain so easily?' I think to myself. "Hey, where's Jamie?" I ask.

  "She went ahead to go get our bags, carousel 8b. Lets go?" I answer with a nod 'yes'.

   We go down the 'moving walk' or as I call it 'sonic sidewalk'; for about five minutes when we finally get to the gift-shoppy area of the airport and see Jamie checking out quite ironically a tiny snow globe. 'why on Earth is there a snow globe in a desert gift shop' then I remember 'skiing capitol of America; next town over, duh'. Park city is where we are supposed to be staying after the four days in Bryce Canyon.

  "Hey Alay, should I buy this?" Jamie asked me from across the store.

  "Heck no. We're here for a month,do you want to start spending money today? And by the way, have a sandwich" I said as I chucked a burger at her. "Anyways, lets go get our car and hit the road, its another 6 hours until we're at the hotel"

   The online rental said classic cars were available for 50 bucks extra a week, so we each pitched in a little more; I just hope its not an absolute piece of sun-faded, rotted crap. I actually get really nervous about this car, it has to run hard and long today, and I'm no mechanic. Whatever. Today will be an adventure.

   We get to the Avis rental booth after giving the guy with a cart our bags "I have a classic reserved for Alayna Lake" I violently hope its not a crap, old, ugly pile of crap.

  "Ah. We have a beauty reserved for you girls, come along, you're going to love it!" I can tell by Megan's awkward poke on my shoulder that this guy freaks her out. A lot.

  The car guy shows us around the corner to an absolutely stunning, gorgeous, shiny black 1967 Chevy Impala. 'and 3..2..1..'

"IMPALA LALA LALA LA LA!!" shouts Jamie so loud it echoes across the parking structure full of humming engines. "Oh. My. Timelord. Its the car. THE car."

  As Megan watches the hot bag boy load our bags into the trunk and Jamie has her car-love fest with the Impala apparently only I'm allowed to drive (I see that more as a suggestion, like keep out signs, and dry clean only), I finish signing all the papers, waivers, and insurance papers and get three sets of keys for the car.

  Finally, I pull out of the space and drive out the parking structure and get onto the highway for a long long drive. Megan demanded shotgun and wasn't about to give it up so Jamie was laying in the backseat in awe of the car "Fast track or scenic route?" I ask.

  "Highway there, scenic way back" Megan mumbled while putting on presets to the radio.

   "Yup, sounds good to me" Jamie piped in.

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