12. Lets go get Dead.

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   I wake up wrapped up even tighter in Ben's arms. A low groan escapes his lips, my arms anr held to my side so shaking him awake isn't an option. My legs are free so I push his leg with mine to try and get him to wake up. He mumbles something and starts to snore again. Dammit, wake up!  I hate to be so cliche,  but decide to kiss him and see if that makes any difference.

   He opens his eyes and looks shocked. He kisses me back then pulls away, "You're still here?" I'm pulled into his body and feel his heartbeat quicken as I kiss him again.

   "Why would I leave?" I giggle and nuzzle between his head and shoulder. His scent fills my lungs and I feel like I'm floating.

   Ben lets me out of his arms and sits up. "Because," he says, while checking his watch, "Its already 11:30 and we should be getting breakfast. What are the rest going to think we were doing?"

   "Probably something dirty." I push myself off the matress and look at myself in the mirror and put on some makeup. "Can't imagine they think we were up to something when Megan and Jack were alone for more than 15 minutes," I laugh and question what could have just happened. Maybe all of us are coming out  of this with boyfriends.

    We walk out the door and out to the little diner attached to the stretch of rooms. "So about last night," Benny says, "does this mean we're going out now? I mean, we don't have to, but, do you want to?" He's really blind if he can't see me go red.

  "Of course I want to! I really, really like you. I would be stupid not to." I hope he does too.

  "Good, I was hoping you would say that," he takes my and and runs his fingers through his hair, "because, I do too." He pulls me by the hand into his body and puts his hands on my waist. Its only now that I realize we are alone outside, there hasn't even been a car that's gone by. "Hope nobody sees this," his lips come down hard onto mine as he strokes my side with his thumb and kisses me hotly under the clear sky.

   "I wish we were in the room again, I want to kiss you for hours," I say as I feel my heart racing.

   "Let's go get a bit to eat, then we can kiss the day away, okay? I'm starving." He leans in again and gives me a little kiss before he lets me go.

   We walk into the diner to see Jamie and the Doctor giggling at a booth, sitting on the same side. Ben walks over to the booth and lets me sit first and slides in besides me, he takes my hand under the table. "Uh, Alay, I think we need to tell you something," Jamie says carefully.

   "Yeah, so do I," I respond in a completely non-suspicious way, "you first."

  "Um, me and Bry, we're..Uh," she trails off.

   "We're in a bit of a...relationship, now." the Doctor said, in a calm way so I don't take it with a shock.

  "Yeah, that," Jamie said a bit embarrassed.

  "Oh, well, Alay and I are, also now a couple," Ben says cautiously as Jamie's face turns to accusation.

  "So what exactly happened last night? WAS THE DIDDILYDO A FACTOR?!" Jamie really has no faith in me.

   "Jamie, oh my god. No. Can you stop shouting?" I say and Benny looks away and goes pink in the face. I take his hand again. He needs to get used to being frequently embarrassed and insulted, now that he's my boyfriend.

   "Nah. I believe you. Anyways, I wonder where Megan is?" As she finishes her sentence, Megan and Jack walk in together.

  "SO WHAT TOOK YOU TWO SO LONG?!"Jamie shouts at them across the restaurant. We all laugh at Megan as she storms over and I'm sure she wants to murder someone I just can't tell who.

   "Shut the hell up, Jamie. Alay, Ben, sorry about rooming you together in the smaller room. Did you sleep okay?" Megan says only now noticing us holding hands.

   "Quite nice, actually," Benny says.

   "So are you two?..." Megan asks.

   "Mhm," I say, "so what about you and Jack?"

    "Good, he dosnt snore and is an amazing kisser. Oops,  maybe I should stop talking."

    Jack pulls up two chairs for himself and Megan. We sit down and talk about how we all magically ended up in a relationship so soon. We decide on leaving tonight at 7.

   We go back into our rooms for a while and get ready for an all night drive. I sit down and prepare myself to see the angels again. "Alay, are you alright?" Ben asks.

   "Yeah, fine. Just getting ready to face danger in a dress again."

   "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be okay. We have fancy time travel- things, that I have no idea what I'm talking about, but, I do know that no matter what, it will end out okay." He puts his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. 

   A knock on the door. "Go away its not 7 yet!" I say. Another knock. "Go AWAY!" I just want to be with Ben right now. Thank god the knocks stop and I just know it was Megan.

   "Come here," Ben takes me in his arms and exhales as I breathe in the sweet smell of him. "Now...kiss me?" Such sweet, stupid questions. I pull him down by the neck of his flannel shirt and kiss him wildly.  There's nothing I want more than time with him, minus all the probability of getting sent back in time and dying slowly.

   I don't want to leave, but the alarm on my phone goes off telling us its time to go. "Come on, lets go get dead."

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