6. Finally Ginger

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   "No matter what it is, I vote on sleep," Megan says as she plops on the bottom bunk of the set in the corner.

  "I vote on going outside," said Jamie as she opened the door and walked out into the frigid desert night. For a place that gets up to 100º in the day its damn cild at night.

   I sigh, "Megan, are you going with us to check it out?" and she responds by getting up with a angry look on her face and grabbing a light jacket. We both walk out the door and I lock it behind me. I soon see its gonna take a while to get up there to where I now can clearly see a blue telephone box on a mountain. Its such a long walk up there I'm probably going to faint on the way back down.

   "WE GOTTA GO FASTER ALAY, C'MON RUN WITH ME!" Jamie pulls me by the hand at speeds I thought impossible for such tiny legs. 'Oh god this is how it ends' I say to myself as I nearly trip 6 times. For about an hour we walk up the mountain as I can begin to see a peak of a pillar in the canyon below being lit up brilliantly with an orange glow.

   "Guys, its four in the morning now, I want to go to bed," I complain, but its too late because I'm dragged along anyways. 'Hey call that hot guy to come carry you back down' my concience tells me tjen I remember how I look right now. Hellish beast. I keep going and daydream about getting into a shower and getting clean. I've worked up a pretty good sweat by now and the heat is beginning to catch up with us.

  "We've already passed the point of no return," Jamie points out and I guess she's right. I didn't come this far for nothing. I want to find a TARDIS and it had better not be empty right now.

  Jamie is the first to get there and waits for me and Megan for about ten minutes to catch our breath , and once we're up she knocks on the door and shouts "Doctor?! DOCTOR! " so loud I'm sure it echoed down to the hotel.

   We all jump slightly back when the door opens and we see a tall man in a leather jacket with sticky-uppy ginger hair and a pair of grey hi-top Converse. My immediate thoughts, well, he's finally ginger...

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