16. Saying Goodbye for Now

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  The angels have all been sucked in by now; we've waited for a half hour to let them all out. My body feels chilled and electrified as I hear the void close with a howl, sealing the passageway for any lurking evils to move through. Everyone else has been around the console talking, but I stand alone by the door, waiting to open it.

  "Doctor, is it safe yet?" I pipe up through the ruckus the others are making.

  "Should be, lets have a look," he says pushing past me and exiting the TARDIS with light footsteps. No sound but the purring breath of the machine I linger inside. Something dosnt feel quite right. "Looks like we're all clear. Let's vacation!"

   "I'm all for that," Megan says, "now lets get out of this dinky little basement and check into a resort. And not the ghetto one we were at before, ew, it didn't even have a pool!"

  "Wow, Megan,  glad you think my family hotel is nice," Ben says kidding.

   "Ben, lets be honest, its a piece of crap."

   "Yeah, I need to move ASAP." A silence follows as I lean against a railing.

    "Let's get some food then go to sleep. im exhausted, " Jamie said stomping over to the console. Its been an excruciatingly long day it seems. A long yawn escapes her mouth and passes over to Megan. 

   The Doctor lands the TARDIS outside the small building as Ben, Megan, Jamie, Jack and myself pile into the Impala. Jack sits behind the stearing wheel,  rearing to go.


   The rest of the weeks have just flown by with my friends and new found boyfriend that honestly, is amazing. I hate this day with a passion. We're going back today. Adventure comes to a close, I say goodbye to my love, go back to my boring, ordinary life.

   My bags sit outside the cab car, next to Megan,  Jamie, and Jack's. Megan's parents are actually happy about Jack coming to Michigan for Megan. Ben is afraid to leave his family, I understand,  but its breaking my heart. He's going to be visiting frequently though.

   Our bags are loaded up into the cab heading to the airport as my heart slowly cracks. "I'm gonna miss you, Alay. I'll be up there soon though,  I swear," Benny says, hugging me around my shoulders. Tears well up in my eyes, I can't speak. The trunk slams and the rest climb into the car. The Doctor already left for home,  leaving us to take the slower path.

   "I'll miss you too, a lot. You need to spend time with me the rest of this summer, okay?" I hug him tighter.

   "I promise," his voice cracks, and he tilts my head up to kiss me goodbye. His lips quiver, I kiss him back. I give his hand a quick squeeze and walk away.

  I get in the car and feel like I'm losing something. The pain of losing him is rampant even though I know hes going to come back.


  The plane ride was short and smooth. The bags came out right away, and we got into my car. The foggy midnight moon hangs overhead. The ride home is mostly Megan and Jack making out un the back of my car and me and Jamie fighting over the radio.

   Almost nobody is on the highway now. The ride ro Megan's house only takes about 45 minutes.  We drop her off there and Jack takes all the bags. "See ya, guys!"

  "See you soon!" Megan yells.  We plan on getting a London in a few months,  so we go home and organize our stuff to go and get Visas. Most of my things are in place, just need to book a flight in September.

   "I'm so tired," Jamie says. I imagine she's ready to get home to the Doctor. Lucky.

  "Me too," I say, wishing I didn't have to drive her home. When I reach Jamie's house we say goodbye and she gets out and goes inside the house.

  My ride is short from there, I live only 3 miles away. I come home to an emty house, again. I swear to god, my parents forgot they had a kid when I turned 15. Except when I got into trouble.

  My hear races. I hear a stirring sound upstairs, but both my pets are within sight, sound asleep. I grab a knife from my baf and go upstairs,  the lights are all on. Damn floor creaks. I see a doorknob turn, the one to my room. The door swings open slowly, a long shadow stretches out onto the wall, familiar. His head reaches around the corner, looking at me. Benny. "Honey, I'm home!" he says, smiling.

   "How the hell did you get here?" I ask.

   "Hitchhiked a TARDIS. Hope you don't mind but I helped myself to the fridge."

    I run over to him and throw my arms around his shoulders, beaming. I kiss him. I kiss him a lot. I kiss him everywhere in my house. By time we're done its 3 am. "So you'll be staying here a while I assume?"

   "Hope you don't mind. But it seems like I'll be here a while." I kiss him to the ground,  I don't care, I just want him to stay. My parents can have their fit, cry and complain, but he's here and I'm not kicking him out any time soon. He'll come to England with me too. We're going to be together a while.

  "Going on anymore vacations?"

  I look at him, "Actually, wanna move to England?" I take his hand and pull him onto my bed, snuggling into his shoulder. He gently strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.

  "With you, I'd go anywhere."

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