chapter 4 (:

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*Elizabeths POV*

The door was shaking from Niall slamming up against it trying to get in. He was cursing at me or maybe the sturdy door. But I did not care at this moment I had to protect myself. Niall was dangerous, images of him beating that girl senseless made me tremble in fear.

I sprinted to the bathroom in fear and looked for some type of weapon to defend myself but found nothing. I was desperate I needed something to help me get away from Niall. A crazy thought came to my mind, Maybe I could jump out of the balcony. If this kept me away from Niall, then I had no problem doing it.

Acting quickly before thinking, I rushed to my balcony door. Tugging the door open, the strong wind whipped my loose hair all over the place. The rain was pounding down harder and the thunder drowned out Niall's curses. I walked slowly to the edge my palms soaking wet with sweat and rain. My whole body was already drenched from the steady rain. I had to act quickly before Niall burst through that door. The real question was did I have the guts to do this. Once I reached the edge of the balcony, I gasped looking at the drop. Well maybe this was risky but I needed to escape the wrath of Niall. My body could not deal with being abused by him.

Swinging my legs over the balconies edge swiftly, now on the other edge of the balcony, I looked down gasping when I felt my foot loosing its hold on the railing, I let out a loud scream. Gripping the railing I slid down until my hands were the only thing keeping me from dropping to the ground. My feet were no longer touching the railing but dangling in thin air. The rain continued to pour, beating down on my face making it hard for me to see anything.

I reached up to try and wipe the rain out of my eyes so I could see, but my hands began to slip and I realized I wasn't ready to make this large drop. I was drenched head to toe, this was a dumb move on my part. Trying to pull myself up was a major struggle, each time resulted in my hands slipping back to its original spot. I groaned in frustration.

Then a loud slam rang through the thunder and I was able to pull myself up enough to see what made the commotion. I gripped the railing even harder in fear. It was Niall he had broken through my barrier. Great, thinking carefully I tried to make my hands not visible. My eyes peeked right above the bottom of the railings. My chest began to rapidly rise, my breaths coming in short gasps of fear.

"Where are you Elizabeth I am going to find you." Niall was in a fit of rage screaming for me. That boy was so loud I could hear him through the thunder.

However I had more important things to worry about, like my hands slipping off of the railings. What was I supposed to do? I mean its either falling to my death or getting help. The only help at this moment would be Niall. That was not happening.

Instead I gripped the railings tighter and focused on what Niall was doing. The rain continued to pound down on my back. Peering through the rails, Niall seemed to notice my absence and he realized how the balcony door was open. He was making his way to my hiding spot so quickly, I moved my hands trying not to make them noticeable.

"Gosh where is she." I looked up to see Niall tugging at his hair. The rain drops made his hair loo matted but he did look cute.

"What the hell Elizabeth." reprimanding myself in my head.

"Boys come help me look for her please." a pleading tone to his voice.

I heard a rush of footsteps and what sounded like a slap. Startled from the sound, I began to lose my grip on the railing. Either I could call for help or die. This was actually a serious decision. Huffing at my stupidity. I decided once I was pulled up, I would do a wheelbarrow kick to each of his henchman and take out Niall by myself. I could do this, my mind was set on it. As if right on cue my right hand slipped, leaving me with only my left hand holding up my body weight. I took a deep breath and let out a cry for help.

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