chapter 9

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chapter 9

Elizabeths POV

I was screaming for help needing to be rescued once again from a strange dream. I hate dreams like this it felt like someone was in my head causing all of these strange and mysterious illusions. Shaking in my sleep in fear from what was chasing after me. A strange mythical creature was hunting me. It had incredible speed so I didn't run from this strange thing. It was like a game and I was standing there waiting for this creature to catch me. Like I was helpless almost useless. It all came to soon and I was quickly slammed up against the wall, but no pain came to me because I remembered it was only a dream. This was all a dream, I wanted it to end but I had to find out who this creature was that was haunting me through my dreams. This strange thing had a hood on and was strangely attractive from what I could see of them and also so very familiar. However I couldn't place my finger on what or who he reminded me of. Slowly he creeped up to me like a strange mist taking my neck in his cold hands and slamming me against the wall.

"Please listen to me." Was all this strange inhumane creature whispered into my ear. It was a plea for my love.

Now I was scared, I felt a overwhelming presence of evil. But I realized something it was a dream. It could be gone quickly, I can make it end. Not feeling like having this strange nightmare continue on I let out a shout.

"No this is not real."

Screaming it over and over the strange thing faded away the whole scene faded and slowly the dream faded away just little small whisps of it were left in till finally I felt the soft bed that belonged to my kidnapper meaning that I was back in reality. I sighed in comfort this bed really was comfortable.

Suddenly a husky voice came out of no where.

"Its nice isn't it?"

Immediately I recognized his voice. It calmed me. It was soothing unlike the dream I just had.

"Gosh Niall don't scare me like that. But yes it is pleasant. I really do enjoy this bed."

All I heard was silence after that strange encounter, slowly I turned my head looking around for Niall. I finally noticed him sitting on the balcony edge, a breeze blowing his beautiful blonde hair back in forth in the wind. It was nice him not shouting or scaring me. Gazing at him, I realized that he truly no matter how much I denied it was attractive. Slowly my heart took over my mind and I swung my feet out of the bed and padded over to him softly. I felt a strange urge to be with him. Ever since I met him it was like a small but slowly increasing urge to be with him. I had no idea why I felt this pull but I knew somehow I would find out soon. Resting my elbows gently on the balcony next to his sitting figure, I sighed looking up at the stars that were brilliantly shining.

"So beautiful." I whispered quietly sighing in content. For some reason all my anger towards Niall diminished. Like it was simply blown away in the wind. I kinda liked it not being mad at Niall and him hopefully not being mad at me. Maybe if I was nice he could let me go. Sure I like being with him but I have a life to live, he couldn't keep me here.

"I suppose. I don't pay much attention because I have to see it for forever."

"Niall you are eventually going to die hate to bust your bubble" I giggled out how silly he sounded.

"Yeah sure okay."

He sounded almost nervous. That type of nervous when you say something you shouldn't off.

"What do you mean Niall?" Prying for answers.

"Me to know babe you to hopefully not find out for a while."

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