chapter 21

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chapter 21

Elizabeths POV

Grabbing the doorknob I pushed it open, surprised it wasn't locked I walked in ready for anything.

Looking around I realized no one was home, which surprised me greatly.

Slowly I made my way to the stairs and realized in the afternoon light how gorgeous it was in here. I guess I was either to busy running away or being locked up to notice it. I laughed to myself thinking back to all of the crazy things that have occurred. Making my way upstairs I found it funny that all this time I had been trying to get away but now all I want is to be here.

I mean I could rent an apartment of my own, but the boys would never allow that. Which is understandable. Honestly I don't think I would want that.

Reaching the tops of the steps, I started walking to my pink room but an idea struck me. I could just be in Niall's room. I owed him that much. But what if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore?

Deciding to take my chances I pulled my luggage into Niall's vast room.

It smelled like him and I was immediately calmed. Its crazy thinking a couple months ago all I wanted was to be away from him. But now he has become my drug and I just needed him constantly. I know I had said I wanted a break, but that only caused pain for me and I am done with the feeling of pain.

Finding a dresser that was empty, I quickly unpacked everything that I owned which wasn't much in the first place. I really needed to go shopping.

Moving over to the balcony door I unlocked it and pushed it open with some force. A gust of wind blew in quickly whipping my brown hair in every direction. Groaning in frustration I threw my hair up in a bun.

Not noticing before but his balcony was large and very pretty. My eyes scanned everything as I looked out to see California. I would never get tired of this place. So bright and sunny and no matter what it was always busy. In the distance I saw the sun beginning to set. Where are the boys? A nervous feeling crept over me. Did Richard get them?

Maybe they were just thirsty? A shudder run through my body thinking of them draining blood from a innocent person. I really wanted to talk to them about that. Couldn't they kill criminals or rapists?

A click of a door opening sounded making me spin around in a dizzying manner. What made me even more dizzy was the view before me. Niall.

At that moment I decided I was not going to hold anything back. So I ran to him as fast as my short legs could carry me. He opened his arms wrapping me up and slowly I felt myself melt into his body. I wanted him. Maybe this was a mate thing but I wanted him more than ever. I couldn't do anything sexual with him we needed to talk first.

I felt him tighten his grip on me as if I was going to disappear any moment.

"I am so sorry Niall." A tear slid down my blushed cheeks.

He hushed me and slowly rubbed my back with his thumbs, shock came over me about how sweet he was being to me. Did I finally do what Perrie said only I could do? Did I break the evil inside him?

Slowly I unburied my head out of his strong chest and locked my deep blue eyes with his bright blue eyes.

"I wish I would of never done that to you."

He slowly wrapped his hands around my waist as he gazed down on me. "Elizabeth every time I want to get mad at you for that, I can't. You really don't understand how much I love you so I apologize for everything I have done. Everything. I know you won't forgive me today but I will wait forever. Remember I am not perfect and I will mess up but just know ahead of time I am sorry." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Yes I loved him so much but I still was a little hung up about things in the past. But in that moment I knew I had to forgive and forget.

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