Chapter 24

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chapter 24

Elizabeths POV

Finally some peace and quiet. I liked it. However I didn't like how messy this apartment was. Niall obviously had not cleaned in a while so I felt like it was my duty to clean it all up.

Starting from the basement I cleaned and put some equipment away in the gym and threw a load of laundry in. Slowly but surely I worked my way up the floors and finally I finished the basement and main floor.

Looking over the kitchen supplies I realized we needed a lot more food, so I found a scrap sheet of paper and took note of some groceries I would need.

Its crazy how quickly my life has changed, couple months ago I had my little shop and now I am living in a million dollar apartment and with a extremely attractive gang member who was a vampire. What a life I had.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and climbed up the stairs to clean me and Niall's bedroom. Opening the door I smiled at Niall's familiar smell and quickly got to work cleaning the bathroom and then the room.

As I finished decorating the balcony and stringing lights along it, I smiled at my handy work and decided to sweep the wooden floor in our room.

Quickly getting to work, I heard a strange scratching sound each time I moved the broom under the bed. Bending down I peeked under the bed only to find my iPhone.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I shouted out to myself in joy. Scooping it up I threw it on the bed and finished sweeping. Putting away all my supplies, I sprinted to my bed and grabbed my phone.

Sprawled out on the bed I unlocked my phone and smiled at Perrie's text messages. I haven't seen her for only two days but I still miss her and love her like a sister. She had texted me countless times asking if I was okay. I hurriedly responded telling her I missed her and have never been better. The good thing about that text message was I wasn't lying I truly was happy. Hopefully it will stay this way. Niall was so unclear to me it was hard to tell how long we could stay happy.

Hitting the home button I tapped my Instagram app and it came to life and I clicked on my profile and couldn't help but smile at all my old pictures from at least 10 weeks ago. However there was no need for an Instagram my old life is over, I have to move on. A twinge of sadness and longing hit me when I clicked the delete button.

A sigh escaped my lips as I climbed out of bed putting my phone in my dresser and shutting it quickly not wanting to look at it anymore. A vibration sounded from my phone and I couldn't help it, so I unlocked my phone to see Eric had texted me asking how I was. How strange. However I did not want to have a conversation so I ignored it and put my phone back away shutting it off.

A yawn escaped my mouth, turning to face the balcony I realized it was becoming dark and a twinge of sadness overcame me knowing Niall wasn't home yet. Deciding on a relaxing bath seemed like the best plan.

Turning on the faucet I waited for the tub to fill as I stripped myself bare.

Dipping my body in slowly, I smiled at the wonderful feel of the water. Washing my body fully, I began to slip in and out of sleep waking up when I started breathing in water.

Sleepily I pulled myself out of the bath and drained the water, making my way to the towel rack. Wrapping the towel around my now clean body I headed straight for the bed and fell on it.

Letting the bed envelope me, I smiled at the feeling and slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Jolting awake from my sleep as a massive shattering sound went throughout the house. Quickly not wanting to use my powers, I rushed downstairs only to see the kitchen patio door busted open. Something terribly bad was about to happen and I could feel it. However I decided to swallow my nervousness and made my way to the broken door and poked my head out.

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