Chapter 1: Home.

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12 year's later.

Rhemiel stood in front of the old iron gates, she pulled her sleeves down over her hands, and pushed opened the gate's and walked few then, they close behind her, she heard children playing could smell food cooking, it seamed like a lot had changed in 12 year's including her, she walked up the front steps, the door's were unlocked, yes a lot had changed as she walked in closing the doors behind her, she removed her jacket that had seen better days and placed it over a chair, she placed her backpack on the same chair then walked in to the kitchen, Ariel turned around and dropped the glass she had in her hand, '' your home'' she ran over and hugged Rhemiel,  Michael walked in to see what was going on he walked over and hugged both of them, ''your back, your home....your home'' Michael said almost crying ''yes, yes i'm home ( she looked around, an saw recce staring at her, he turned and walked away, she followed him out sided ''hey '' ( she yelled, he turned around ) ''12 years......12 years how dear you? 12 years'' '' your pissed at me...I home'' ''  don't care'' he walked in to the barn and pulled the door closed, he flew up to his room and sat on the bed, he puched the wood wall it cracked, Ariel stood behind her, ''he's had to deal with a lot, come in side'' ''oaky'' she turned and waked in to the house and up to her old room or was it still just her room, she stoped at Raphael's room the door was locked, she breathed deep and walked into her room closed the door and striped her cloths of she was only in her bra and a pair of black underwear, she walked in to the bath room and turned on the shower, the water was warm and felt good on her skin.

she got out and found a fresh towels amd some cloths on the bed, she dried off and got dressed, Ariel knocked then walked in ''so the wing?'' '' along story, basicly one day I was in one of the other rooms a demon smashed few the glass and ripped it half off, recce came in with his angel bladed and saved me'' ''recce saved you? using an angel blade?'' ''yes'' ''he never had and angel blade....son of a bitch'' she walked out of the room and straight out sided and opened the ban door, '' get down here'' ''nice to see you too'' ''get down here now'' ''why?'' ''so I can punch, you in the face'' ''I think not, I like my face how it is'' ''just give me the blade'' ''' no'' ''it's not yours'' ''no'' '' please''  he jumped down and landed In front of her face to face, he handed her the blade and she turned to leave, ''that's it after 12 years, you just ask for that stupid blade say nothing then turn to leave........did you miss me?'' he asked as she stoped walking she had her back turned away from him ''what do you think? clearly you didn't miss me'' walked off she kept walking till she found her self at the grave yard, it was slightly  over grown, she walked towards the graves, she saw everyone's so much death, she stoped at Raphael's grave ''everything is so messed up, I fell so lost.....I can't even get returning right, he hates me'' .

the smell of death hit her a dark voice spoke ''pretty angel, so pretty stupid, what does your skin taste like?'' he lunged towards her she hit the gave hurting her left wing, her skin ripped open and her blood stated to flow when he hit her she dropped the blade, he grab her and held her down his weight was impressive she started to sink in to the ground, he licked her neck, he dug his fingers in to her skin, he was heavy, he held her with one, hand now he was strong, his other hand moved down to her waist ''hey bag of dicks.....get off of her don't make me ask twice'' recce said he suddenly grabbed the demon with one hand and held a sword with the other he then sliced the demon in half '' I felt like he was gona make me ask again'' he said helping her up, she walked over and picked up the blade, '' come on it's about to rain and dick face has friends so we need to move and get them as far way from the house'' ''I had it under control'' ''not from where I was, red ( he walked off ) you coming?'' she followed after him, the rain started, ''so why? are we not flying'' ''is your wing still hurting?'' ''yes'' ''that's why?'' they walked on oppiset sides of the road, not taking '' red 12 took 12 years to find  a dame book was it worth it?'' ''look i'm sorry okay, ray was hard to find he kept moving from place to place and he has these like super demons, one um willa she's a bitch'' ''how so?'' '' she is just fast and strong, and (she stoped talking) can we find some where dry?'' ''sure'' they walked to a cabin, '' Michael built this place  one summer why you were gone, I help, it's a safe house'' they walked up to the door, recce grabbed a pocket knife a made a tiny cut, it was a blood lock how very Michael like, they walked in and the door closed behind them.

recce looked at Rhemiel standing in front of him, he breathed in and out walked over to her '' I......I missed you so much'' '' you were so angry, I thought you hated me'' he did hate her  he tilted her face up to his and traced along her jaw line then kissed her, his lips touched her lips, he picked her up and moved to the bed still standing, recce was leaning agents the bed he slid his hands down her back gently, over her wings and up the back of her top with both hands he removed her top, her wings lifted up, she stood there in a white bra, she looked down at her scar, he gently touched the scar, he then removed his own shirt, they moved  on the bed, and finished undressing at the same time, he lifted her on to him they started kissing, as she moved closer to his chest, he kissed her neck, he whispered '' are you sure?'' she said ''yes'' and with that he moved her she flinched and held her breath, '' breathe, red'' he said snd she let go and he kissed her, she kissed back and they moved as one surrendering to the moment they had waited so long for.

Red: Return part 1.Where stories live. Discover now