Chapter 5 : forbiden fruit.

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everyone knows the story about the fall of mankind eve ate the fruit and condemed mankind, as she stood at the only entrence to sector G  she had second thoughts, her nose strarted to bleed, her ears, and her eyes what ever ash was doing it was deffently going to kill her or worse drain her completly, she was very weak and could not even if she wanted to fight she could 'was she about to eat forbidden fruit  Rhemiel opend the gate and headed down to the darkness, at the end of a hallway she found a room she opened the door,  in front of her was the cage, ash leaned agents the wall,she closed the door, she walked over stoping not to close ''i 'm here'' ''yes i can see that ( he steped out of the shadow and stoped in his tracks ) we'll i was wrong.....your delisous'' ''please just make this stop'' ''no, no, no, nope unlock the cage first'' ''why?'' becaues....we need to be so very close for me to do my magic'' ''where's the key'' he ponted to the remands of a gaured, she walked over and grabed the key, ''good girl'' she walked back over, she didn't here the door lock it was on a time and locked after 5 minuets, she was now locke in, she unlocked the cage and the door opened, '' we' i was thinking you would't....any way'' he walked out and slamed the cage door closed behind him, rhemeil jumped he walked right up to her and smelt her again, '' you have what you want now make this stop'' ''ask nice'' ''please ash'' ''nope no, no ask again''  ''please stop this'' ''are you sure....i mean the almost dead look is not really my thing....but'' ''plaese'' ''alright...but you won't like it'' he forced her agents the wall, and kissed her, she tryed to push him off her, but she could't and kissed back, the kiss was intens to say the lest, '' ouch'' he actually bite her lip, the pain inher lip made her push him off her and she slaped his face, he growled at her and grabed her arms, he pushed his nails in to her skin he got close to her ear and wisphered '' i em not someone you just slap.....that one is free but next time beautful it will cost you'' he said as he licked her neck still holding her arms, he kissed her again, then stoped, looked at her with tears running down her face he felt almost sorry, almost'' were done, your all run along before.....i do something you'll regret and i'll enjoy'' the door opened and she left the room, the door closed behind her, she flew home, recce was waiting '' did it work?'' ''yes and no i don't want to talk about it'' ''what? happened? red....Rhemiel tell me'' "no" Ash was now out of his cage and free to do what ever he wanted, thing's were about to get intresting to say the lest, and trust me he was going to make the most of his freedom.

it had been a couple of days since all that happened, Rhemiel walked in to the barn carring a raver large book, recce got up of their bed and walked over and looked down at her, ''is that?'' ''yes the book of enoch....come dow?'' he jumped down '' you read that?'' ''yes'' ''realy...4,3 and something words'' ''yes'' she smiled ''and in there ( he points to the book) is away to remove this darn stone from my chest and not kill me?'' ''yes'' she put's the book on the tabel and opens it to a marked page, ''see the trick is not to break the stone'' ''why?'' ''becaues if it breaks, you will say it's broken you can't be anywhere near it, i mean it'' ''so how are you going to remove it'' she pulls out a knife from her pocket ''with this'' ''oh, geat'' ''and this'' it was vodka, he smiled remebering the last time she used vodka, ''right....shirt off'' she said as she bite her bottom lip, it stinged from where ash, had bitten her, recce happly removed his shirt one button at a time, Rhemeil shook her head, ''really'' ''yep slow and sexy'' she giggeled, finaly shirtless he sat on the table, Rhemiel cleaned the knife and his skin with vodka he moved '' it's cold'' ''oh poor baby'' she teased as she breathed on his skin, to warm it up she felt the stone under her fingers,grabing the knife, '' this will hurt so i need you to be sure'' ''i'm sure red....please take this stone out of my chest'' he said holding her hand that held the knife, then reliset it, she lifted the knife  she applyed more presuer and began to cut, his blood started to flow, she had to be so cearful, so to not break the stone with the knife, she finaly after what seamed like ages she saw the black shine of the stone, she walked over to the draw and grabed some tongs, ''tongs come on'' ''hold still'' she walked back over and slowley removed the stone, she held her breath as the skin gave way and the stone just poped out, she placed the stone in a box closed the lid then breathed again ''it's out'' she said not realising she had been crying the old time, she looked down at the floor, a tear hit the rug, recce placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her face to meet his, and kissed her, ''don't ever lower your head like that, i want to see ever part of you even your sadness'' he kissed her again, as they kissed he heald his wound someone watched from the trees, '' we'll now......looks like i have some work to do'' ash said tillting his head to one side.

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