Chapter 3 : Tell me lies, sweet little lies.

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It had been almost three weeks since Rhemiel had returned, she sat on the steps at the front of the house watching, children playing this was amazing, she notced to twin boys playing with a dark haird girl, Rhemeil had to look twice they all had wings, the boys kept making thier wings goin to thier backs, and the little girl's wings were so tiny, ''hey'' Ariel sat down next to Rhemiel '' um who do does three belong to?'' '' oh.....the boy's belong to sabastian, and the girl she's jade's daughter'' Rhemiel looked at Ariel in amazement, '' how?'' '' the conventual way'' ''waite what else did i miss?'' '' abit'' Michael walked out side past them and kissed Ariel, ''so i see'' then walked over to the barn, '' how did that happen?'' '' we just fell in love'' ''just like you go away for 12 year's and every body's falling in love and having babies'' they both got up and walked over to the barn, the guys were looking all serious '' what's going on?'' Rhemiel asked '' nothing'' recce said clearly hiding something, '' okay'' she turned and walked away Ariel followed '' he's lying'' '' how do you know that?'' ''I know when recce is lying to me, he can't look at me'' 

Rhemeil decided to go for a fly it was warming up so she flew to the ocean, she hated the sea but loved the beach, she took her shoes off, rolled up her jeans and stood in the water up to her ankels, plus she couldn't swimm, she just never learned, as she closed her eyes a voice entered her mind, his voice sounded like recce's but deeper '' i'm free'' he said rhemeile hesited then responded, '' you were traped?'' ''  how? are you talking back to me?.....are you a demon?'' ''no'' ''angel.....yes i can see word your not much to look at'' ''where are you?'' ''sector G'' ''what? who? are you?'' silence then '' names ash and i've been waiting for you'' ''me why?'' ''so i can destroy everything you love...rhemeil i'm coming to play'' then the conversation stoped, she grabed her shoes and flew straight home, she landed and almost broke the barn door '' whoes ash?'' ''what?'' recce said spiling his coffee all over his self '' i know you know now tell me" ''why?'' ''i was at the beach and he decided to say my mind like you do'' ''what did he say?'' ''he said he was waiting for me and that he was going to destroy evrything i loved and that he was coimg to play, recce who? is he'' ''fine i'll tell you when henry maded us the dark us, he maded me first but he got more then he asked for and i split in two so he had me and ash'' ''waite so there's, your triplets'' ''what?'' ''raphael, you and this ash guy, that makes three of you, or are you brother's?'' she asked him '' i don't know henry locked ash up'' ''so all this time he's been in prisond? and no one, oh god is he insane?'' ''I don't know'' ''does he look like you?'' ''i don't know, we never meet....but i think we share a connection'' ''your conected by your thoughts'' '' yes i think so'' ''so he fells everything you do, thinks what you think and knows your every thought?'' ''yes'' ''can he see few your eyes?'' she asked as tears fell down her face, recce walked ove and wiped them away with his finger, '' no he can't see us'' ''are sure?'' ''yes now stop worring and let me hold you'' ''okay'' he held her to him, he was warm,he kissed the top of her head.

they decided untill it need to be talked about, ash would stay where he was, little did they know he was almost ready to play, rhemiel hoped that he would stay locked away, ''hope is a funny thing'' she thought to her self one morrning as she watched recce sleep she laid on her back, he looked so beautiful, she watched him breathing, they had not made love since before ash made him self known, rhemiel wanted to kiss his back, touch his wings and fell his skin, his body on top off her ''shit'' she said recce heard every thought with his eyes still closed he spoke ''really ( he opened his eyes with a smile and climed on top of her ) good morning'' he said ''hi'' she said trying to move form under him, he gently grabed her hands and put the above her head, and started kissing her '' mind'' she gave in too his kiss and kissed back with one hand holding her hands, he used the other one to find it's way to under her singlet, he let go of her hands and she found her way to his back and let her fingers dance over his wings, he let out of deep breath, telling her that he liked that, ''recce'' ''yes'' '' make love to me'' ''as you wish'' he did as he was asked, and they maded love with the sun shining in on them, after wards they layed in each others arms '' can every day be like this?'' rhemiel asked '' we''ll it could but sadly, i have work to do and so do you besides, if we did that every know i can't think of a bad reson not to do that every day'' he winked at her ''okay im getting up'' she sat up of him her wings hid her naked body from him, she put on her sleep shorts and her singlet and stood up she walked out of the room, with recce watching her every move, he grabed a pillow and covered his face, rhemiel was in the kitchen later that morning she had got dressed, and was helping Ariel with some baking, ''i really should just sit over there and watch, i'm a bad cook'' ''really rhemiel it's going to be fine'' ''but what if it's not'' ''relax, it's just making a cake'' '' yeah from scratch'' Ariel smiled rhemiel half smiled.

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