Chapter 9 : fates story

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''we'll do tell'' ash said they stood together rhemeil was a bit destracted but countinued '' do you all know the fates of greek mthology" she asked ''yeah" they all said together she smile, she started walking as she spoke, ''so the fates were female yes, well not in the originl story, they were men, three brother's ( she said gesting to them she countined) the past, Ash, the present Raphael and Recce your the futuer" "what? are you saying red" " let me finish, so these brothers were bound to there gifts, and one day they all meet and fell in love with a human Adrina, and Adrina fell in love with all of them ( she stoped and looked at them, trying not to cry)for  what ever reason, she loved then equaly, but as brothers do, they became jelious and started a war, this broke Adrina's heart so she killed her self, frowing her self of a clif the brothers wanted to die, but insted the gods decided to punish them by making Adrina the fread, that had to cut" "red do you know what that makes you?'' ''what?'' "the fread" again they said that togther " no Adrina loved each off then and" raphael walked forward " Rhemiel you are the fead, you do love each of us, for what ever reason you do" '' that's inposiabel" ash said " no it's not ( recce walked over to her and took her hand he kept talking) she loved raphael as a friend, she in love with me and ( he looks at ash who? looked away as he spoke ) she's falling for ash and that's fine, red why? are you crying?'' he asked as he wiped her face, she let go of his hand " so what now?" she turned to face them.

she woke up with ash watching her sleep " where's recce?'' she asked ash sat on the bed " he is on a run with Michael and" "and" "and that means we are alone for two hours" she blushed " oh by the way?'' "yes?'' '' we do look the same, the hair is slightly diffent and the eye's of course, but" " you saw my dream?'' ''that wasn't a dream, Rhemiel it happened" '' so" "so"  he reached out and touched her face, she closed her eyes and he kissed her, she went to slap him but he stoped her grabing her hand, he found  her fingers and they locked hands, with his other hand, he placed it on her kneck kissing her deeper, she wanted to stop, but she also wanted to keep going she was torn, they let go of thier hand and her hands found thier way up his shirt, he suddenly stoped, swolled hard and pushed her away, "Rhemeil we .....i have go" he got up and walked out of the barn, later  she sat alone, recce landed in the dirt, ''hey beautiful" "hey" "what's wrong?'' he asked her, ''recce, i love you, so much, i mean it please don't ever think other wise, i love you" ''red, i know and i love you, deeply" she started to cry he lifter her in too his arms and moved to the wall, he started to kiss her, she kissed back, he removed her shirt, and then his top, he undone her jeans, and his they were kissing, " recce" "yes" ''don't  be gentel" he kissed her neck and the had sex agenst the wall.

later Recce woke with Rhemeil on his chest, he played with her back, he gently lifed her off him and got up he put on his favourite tshirt and jeans, "finaly, waiting for you to have sex..... is we'll unsexy.... did you talk to her?'' ''no ash she's a big girl and i trust her compleletly so if something happens did something happen?'' ''yes we kissed, and it was so amazng" '' um trying not to punch you right now, but i undestand is that all that happened?'' '' yes" '' right, i'm not even mad'' he looked over at Rhemiel still sleeping, then back at ash, he was looking down as recce continued" i loved her for so long before  we finaly got  togther, she was away for 12 years, 12 years i had to waite for the wemon/angel i loved we were so stupied to waite, it wasted so much time " ash looked up he had tears in his eyes" i dont like felling,it's wrong i don't want this'' ''ash we don't ask for love it just happens" "talking is over rated, i......will go" he left recce watched him walk away, Rhemiel still slept he decided to just let her sleep, so would just read finally she woke up got dressed and found recce a sleep, she smiled, she headed out side ash stood at the boundary line, she walked over to him " hey, what's wrong?" she asked he wouldn't look at her as he spoke '' I can't stay here....being around all this, I'm not, I hate this all the talking all the life stuff I need to be alone so Rhemiel, i'am going to stay away, because I want to be with you in ways I can't because if I was to I would hurt you and I won't" he turned to face her and walked over to her she was crying, he grabbed her and kissed her then stoped she stoped breathing as he  waked away, it started to rain, her fire started and she burned the ground around her then she past out.

she woke in their bed recce stood with his arms across his chest, "red what happened?'' ''I can't remember....recce half my memories are gone" "ash" "who?'' ash decided to take him from her,  so when he kissed her that was him wiping her mind of him, she would not remember him, it was better this way.

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