Chapter 8 : 3

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Rhemile sat on the bed with her book reading, ash and recce sat on the couch, they were talking about something, it made rhemeil nervious, they were not fighting, she woundered what had changed, they still hated each other but now something had shifted, now she knew what it was and thinking about made her heart stop,

the rules, rhemeile closed the door, ''well'' ''red, there kind of privet'' ''there about me, i want to know what they are now please'' ''fine ash would you mind?'' '' rule 1. give you space, rule 2. we share a bed not a sexual thing and , rule 3. no one kisses you, rule 4. no tallking about sex, rule 5. no trying to get you in to bed'' ''oh rigth there actually rules about me, um ash can I have a moment with recce, ''sure I'll go sit out in the dark, I love the dark'' he left ''so your not going to kiss me?'' ''nope'' ''or touch me?'' ''nope'' for just the week end or longer?'' ''until we figure this out'' '' kiss me'' ''no''  ''fine'' she got in to bed and rolled facing away from him, he grabbed his pillow and a blanket and slept in the living room with ash, ''now recce no spooning'' ''shut ash'' ''but what about rule 2?'' Rhemiel asked, now standing in the living room with her arms crossed over her chest, recce sat up on the floor ''I can't sleep in the same bed with you'' ''why? not?'' ''because you know why?'' '' please it's a big bed ( a California king) we can put pillows down, you both can't sleep on the floor'' ''promes to be have?'' ''yes and ill even make breakfast in the morning'' ''fine'' they both said getting up, Rhemiel was in the middle, she glanced at the both of them ''control your thoughts,'' she repeated to her self in her mind, ''why?'' ash asked her he loved there mind conversations, ''shit, stop that no reason'' ''Rhemiel, i'm in your head '' ''crap, it's not going to happen'' ''why? not it could be fun'' ''no'' ''Rhemiel'' ''I will let you sleep'' ''night''.In the middle of the night ash had decided to leave he headed back to sector G as being in the outside world madded his skin crawl, it was the next day Michael had showed up' 'Michael, she's dreaming about him and me and her doing things'' ''together or one at a time?'' ''one after the other'' ''she told you?" ''no I kind of had the same dream'' ''oh my word'' ''yep tell me what to do?''

ash sat in a dark corner of his cage he got up and walked around sector G, he found the old building it was till standing he also found the old holding cells, he pushed opened the door and walked along, he stoped at 13 G, Rhemiels cell the glass was broken he stepped over it and walked in to the room, her bed, every thing was still there destroyed but still there, he walked over to the wall and touched it, echo's of the past filled the room and ash was standing in the past, he saw Rhemiel sitting on the floor.

ash's echo. ''your my favourite'' ''then let me go'' , it jumped forward a second Rhemiel sat alone in the dark a tiny light was on , ash looked at her he saw cut's and marks over her body '' i can fell you there? who are you?'' 'um ash'' ''ash what kind of name is ash? what are you even  doing in my cell?'' ''how are we talking right now?'' '' you tell me it's your visit, she got up of her bed and stood in front of ash'' she felt different he growled at her, '' your different?'' ''no I'm the same, do I know you in the future? are we friends?'' '' yes'' he lied ''do um we get out of here, I miss the sun and the stats, I hate the sound of silence, I wish I was dead I wish I could die, this place, they take my blood, our blood, why? if your my friend can you save me?'' ''no ( he felt a pain in his chest and he was crying, he was felling something deep and warm, he looked at this version of Rhemiel and she seemed so afraid, he grabbed her and pulled her in to him and kissed her, he felt something like love he stoped kissing her ) I'm sorry, I should have never come here, I wish I could have saved you from this, no one saved me, until..... I meet you'' ''you meet me twice how long will I be in here?'' Rhemile's voice behind them answered '' years, you will be in this cell, alone for all most  39 years and they will beat you and take your blood, but you will fight back, you will fell very part of what they these men will do to you, you will watch does you love die, castiel, Raphael, Gabriel, jo, henry will take so much from you but you will get your light back'' ash looked at her as she spoke to her past self, he whispered in his mind'' I think, I love you'' ''what?'' the past disappeared and Rhemiel punched ash in the face.

"are you really that dumb?'' ash ask recce who stood behind him " you tell me?" ash turned to face him ''of course you are, you don't even know'' ''know what?'' ''Rhemiel and I are the same" "she is nothing like you, your sick oh my god, you think she likes you why? because you have my face'' ''it's my face too and that's not what I'm talking about'' ''then what'' ''she's wants to be with me'' recce was glad that Rhemiel was not there he was going to kill ash,'' you yeah right why? would she want oh......are you sure?'' ''ask her'' he said as Rhemiel stood behind them, ''ask me what?'' ''do you have felling's for ash as well?'' ''I wont answer that I shouldn't have to I'm going to bed, alone'' she headed to bed and changed then crawled in to bed as soon as her head hit the pillow she was taken to a white room, '' Raphael?'' ''hi and it's not just me" recce and ash were also in the white room, '' this is trippy and so surreal, three of you, my boys....oh shit I figured it out", they all looked at each other.

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