Chapter 4 : Faded

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Rhemiel had cleaned up and changed her clothes, she was in the barn, she picked up a book, and read it she fell a sleep on the couch, '' hello'' she woke in sector G she knew it any where '' how in the hell'' '' say hello'' ''hello how did I get here? is this a dream? how are you doing this?'' ''one  question at a time'' she walked over to the cage that held ash, he was in the dark as he stepped closed, she almost screamed he looked exactly like recce same hair, same height, same build but one thing was different '' your eye's are blue?'' '' yes a genetic twist if you will.... i'm unique'' ''how? all I see is a poor copy''  ''baby...i'm not a copy i'm as you said his brother in away, family and sad me needs a hug'' he reached few the bars trying to get at her she stepped back this made him growl at her like a wolf,  he lowed his head and looked at her few his hair ''I hate that... don't do that'' ''what? walk away from you'' ''I just wanted a hug'' he makes a sad face, she walks closer to the bars she stoped just close enoth, he held on to the bars '' how long have you been in here?'' she asked  ''why? are you going to save can't save me'' he turned his head to the sided and banged the bars making her jump, '' maybe not'' he smelled her '' you smell like roses and coffee... what's coffee?....what do I have to do to get under your skin'' he grabbed at her she screamed he started to laugh an evil dark laugh, '' so Rhemiel how? do I get under your skin?'' he asked again licking his bottom lip, then biting it, '' you will never get that chance'' ''wrong......I all ready have'' ''pardon'' ''you felt ... bad for the big bad wolf...but this wolf wants to eat you....and you will scream'' she woke up almost violently and looked for recce he was not around, then she saw a book on the floor, she wasn't reading a book before she fella sleep, she picked up the book, and dropped it again it was little red ridding hood.

Rhemiel decided not to tell recce about her ''visit'' to sector G, she figured that henry moved ash there during the dark angels early days, she was interested in how ash could look like recce amd Raphael in every detail except for the eyes, blue not a dark blue but a light blue like the sea after a storm, '' hey red'' ''yes'' ''are you okay?'' ''sure coffee sounds great'' ''no I asked if your okay?'' he walked over and sat next to her on the couch, he took her hand she looked at him '' i'm so glade you have brown eye's'' ''um thank" weeks past and  Rhemiel found her self thinking about ash,  how he was, she had never meet someone like him, I mean Casper was nuts and ro was we'll psychotic, but ash, ash seamed a lot worse then, both of them, more of a psychopath, '' that's not nice'' ''holly crap, your in my head of course you are, just like recce'' ''never compere me to him....ever I not like him, he made be first but I am not him'' '' sorry'' he laughed, '' what?'' ''oh baby i'am all alone here, no humans nothing but the darkness, you should come over and play do you like games?''   ''depends on the game'' '' snakes and ladders....or  other games'' ''no I don't think that would be a good thing'' '' I could ask recce'' ''no....Ill come and play games'' ''so it's a date...I  leave a light on oh and wear something sexy'' ''I'm not doing this for you" ''yes you are sweet dreams Rhemiel'' Ariel showed up ''hey you missed dinner and breakfast, what's wrong?'' '' I think um the big bad wolf wants me to visit'' '' you read some strange books, come on you need to eat'' Ariel dragged her in sided recce sat at the table ''hello your awake, I tyred to wake you'' ''it's fine really, i'm fine'' '' um red'' ''yes'' your nose is bleeding, like a lot'' she touched her face yep her nose was bleeding, then her ears started to bleed ''Michael what the hell?'' recce asked Michael who was just as concerned, after three days the bleeding had stoped and Michael had put Rhemiel on bed rest, recce came in and sat down on the bed ''if I needed to tell you something kind of bad would you be mad'' ''no'' '' just ro would get the same bleeding thing, it turned out that Sabastian was reading her mind'' ''Sabastian's not reading my mind'' ''no but some one is'' '' that's crazy'' '' maybe but maybe not just rest okay, I need my girl back to 100%'' he kissed her on the cheek, then left her to rest '' wronggggggg'' ''great...kill me now'' ''but then you won't know what's happing....with the blood and stuff'' '' fine what? is this'' ''me.....and only I can stop it'' ''should have seen this coming okay what do I have to do?'' he smiled '' come and play''.

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