Chapter 2 : After

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Recce woke with Rhemeil sleeping next to him, her arm across his chest her hand on his heart, she was wrapped in her wings, her red hair covered her face, he smiled for a second then a Nosie out sided drew his attention away from her, he got up re dressed and walked over to the window, he pulled the curtain aside and saw demons  '' red, we have company'' she woke up, holding the sheet to her naked body she sat up, re dressed and walked to him '' how many?'' she asked '' your hurt, and i'm good but i'm not that good we out numbered there's 9 off them 2 of us'' '' I've had worse odd's'' she said '' me too'' they looked at each other '' red, were screwed'' '' yep'' he walked over to the mantel and pulled a lever down the mantel moved revelling a room full of weapons, '' then again maybe not, take your pick?'' she walked over her swords hanged on the wall proudly, she took them down and smiled '' hello my sexy girls ( she looked at recce he was staring at her) what?'' ''nothing.....that's kind of hot'' ''shut up'' she put them behind her back, recce grabbed a long steel rod, '' lets do this" he closed the , he mantel and they walked over to the door he opened it he pulled her to him and kissed her '' okay now were good'' they walked out on to the grass, Rhemiel looked confused '' recce that's her'' ''who?'' ''Willa....but she died when I woke up, she was dead" '' great'' ''red look at me, don't think about it, just be amazing and do what you were made to solder'' ''right'' she pulled out the swords and walked in to the centre of the demons recce followed, '' we'll , we'll ( Willa said ) this is kind of hot you all sexy like, I hate to kill you both given the fun you both had last night, might i say well done, I felt the earth move kill them'' a demon charged at Rhemiel she held her swords up to eye level and sliced the demons head off his body hit the dirt, she had cut him in half, recce '' my turn'' he winked at her as a demon grabbed at him, he hit recce in the face he lifted the steel rod and smashed the demon across the back the demon fell to his knees ''oh did that hurt? poor baby'' he said kneeling next to the demon, as he stood back up the rest attacked at the same time recce and Rhemiel stood back to back, ''is it wrong that i find this exiting'' recce said to Rhemiel she smiled '' it is kind of sexy, seeing you like this what happened to you while I was away?'' ''oh so much ill tell you later'' .

after the fight Willa vanished Rhemiel decided they should stay at the safe house for a while just till things were quiet, she was in the shower with her eyes closed facing away from the shower door, she heard the shower door slide open and close again, recce's arms wrapped around her waist, her wings were down from the water, so he moved her hair to one side and started to kiss her neck, she let her fingers find his hair as he turned her around, they kissed, she smiled between kisses,  recce said lifted her up agents the shower wall, once showed and now dressed again, Michael had stocked it with food and clothes and supply's just in case, she walked up stairs there was a single chair and a table and picture was on the table she picked it up, tears fell down her face things were about to get harder for them, recce walked up stairs '' hey are you okay?''  ''so what now?'' she asked ''we'll I radioed the house and Michael said he would be over in the Morring'' ''oaky so were sleeping here tonight?'' she smiled '' that smile does things to me'' ''are you hungry?'' ''yes'' he looked her up and down ''for food'' she said heading down to the kitchen, ''yeah food totally'' he followed her, she opened the cubored and found chicken and rice ''risotto it is'' ''sounds good, can I help?'' ''yes find me a onion, mushrooms if any and cheese'' ''ill see what i can find'' moments later he returned from the back room with every thing even cheese, he placed the food on the counter, and watched Rhemiel move around the kitchen,  she turned around to see recce staring '' um recce'' ''yes'' ''your staring'' ''sorry... do you feel it too?'' ''do humans fell like this? after'' ''sex'' ''yeah'' he turned red, '' I meet a girl named foxxy, and she said every time her and her girlfriend had sex, she lost felling in her legs she also told me, that the first time is breath taking'' ''was she right?'' ''yes you took my breath away'' he smiled and did a little dance, '' your a dork'' ''yeah but i'm your dork'' after dinner they cleaned up and Rhemiel read a book to him she was sitting in his lap '' okay red....we um should stop and sleep'' '' your right'' she got up off him and walked to the bed, he sat still for a moment making a face before he got up and crawled in next to her, she rolled over and rested her head on his chest ''recce'' ''yes'' ''I read the book of Enoch all 4,345 pages'' ''wow'' 

in the morning Michael arrived they took some supplies and headed back to the house Rhemiel was in her room when Ariel walked in she stared at her '' what?'' Rhemiel asked '' you had sex?"' ''how did you?'' ''you look different"' ''I look different?'' ''you had sex first  the first time'' ''yes'' ''even, so you lost your halo'' ''my halo....oh I did, I gave recce my halo'' ''but it's okay you waited 12 years'' ''he's so different, what happened?'' ''he needs to tell you that. lets just say he grew up'' ''oh'' ''your different to'' '' yeah I had to change to find the book'' Ariel squeezed her hand then left Rhemiel walked over to the Mira on her door and looked at her self, she saw a small bruise on her neck, she took her hair out to cover it, '' I always loved you with your hair out'' recce said standing in the door way she smiled ''I have a mark on my neck'' he walked over and had a look '' ill kiss it better'' he kissed her neck ''before I forget'' he pulled a yellow rose from out of his back pocket '' my favourite'' ''yeah I 'm good'' she kissed his cheek.

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