Chapter 7 : Hooked

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Rhemiel stood in a room she had never seen before, she was wearing a long white night gown, her hair was down and curled, the door opened and she turned smiling, then her smile faded ash stood there, the room went dark, the candles light by them self's, as he  walked over to her moving her hair to one side he kissed her neck, then they kissed, Rhemiel woke breathing deeply "crap" she said to her self as she laid back down

'' hey ass'' ash walked over to recce studing him this was the first time they had actualy been together the power in one room was amazing, '' I don't see it'' ''what?'' ''the same face thing, I'm way sexy and you, well you look like a sad copy'' ''you came from me, and i came from raphael's blood so we are both his copy'' ''realy hate that word...copy I'm a live i was made from you, so don't call me a copy ever, oh how is Rhemiel?'' he asked all ready knowing the answer ''she's bringing up blood and i think you know why? can you save her? ''why? would i?'' ''becaues this mind reading thing goes three ways, and ash i know what your thinking, and how she makes you fell'' ''fell I don't fell...i just destryo and creat problems'' ''fix her for good, she doesn't smile anymore, she's  not her anymore, your doing this and i need her back and i think you need to understand how that works'' ''how what works?'' ''love i have a deal for you'' this got his atenchion '' I 'm listening'' later Rhemiel walked in to the barn from out side, "no way"

they stood in the middel of the cabin ''so this is us alone in the barn'' ash said looking up at the roof then jumping up to sit in the beams, '' can we not make this an us  a thing'' Rhemiel said siting on the bed, ash jumped down '' i thought that was the hole point of this? to make it a thing'' recce walked over an glanced at him '' with rules'' ''yes your rules'' ''rules?'' rhemiel asked as they both sat on the bed her in the middel, she swolled hard '' this will be interesting so these rules?'' Recce and Ash looked at each other as Rhemiel got up and walked over to her chair and sat down in it, " the rules are there to set guided lines for all of us to follow" "I don't understand but do I even want to" she asked Recce got up and left the room, "well he's in a mood" Ash said Rhemiel goggled, her giggle made him look at her and he felt things, "um Recce, will tell you the rules as I was not listening when he was talking all I heard was blah, blah, blah but something about not you sleeping alone" "right, Ash am I safe with you?" the question was something he never expected, he looked at her he walked over and kissed her she kissed back, "fuck" he said as he pulled away and left, she was in shock what was going on.

later that night Rhemiel walked out side Recce sat alone in the dark, "the rules, there's only one  stay away from you" "okay?" " red never mind I'm going for a fly" "he's strange" "really your saying that he's strange" "yes are you hungry?" he asked her she followed him in side and sat on the counter, " now ive never cooked before but I always wanted to try" Ash said half smiling, "well I can teach you if you like" "why are you being nice to me?" "because your letting me" "oh" they decided to make bread and rice, as they where cooking Rhemiel noticed Ash was not as bad as she thought he was, Ash looked over at her she was covered in flower she looked funny to him but he liked how she looked her red hair up in a messy bun, her face was warm.

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