Chapter 10 : forever.

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Rhemiel kept dreaming about someone she could not see, but she knew he was inportant to her " i swear i know your there, tell me why?....why?  can't i remeber? who are you? your here" ash walked in to her mind like he had a key, " you couldn't just let it go, you had to keep looking, i'm a evil, evil man, rhemiel i want to hurt you, then love you it's not right, but then i see you crying and i want to stop you tears....i'm a demon made from the blood of a angel who loved you...mabe it's his fault that i" "that you what?'' ''no not gona say it, when i look into your eye's i see stars" "why? say these words who are you? if you took my memories, then you can give them back" "i can't" he picked a chair and few it at her, it hit the wall and smashed, she walked over to him and touched his face, " learn how to bend, the world will still turn" "oh god ( he toched her hand ) i can't do this" he pushed her in to the wall and she woke up, " recce, wake up" ''yes, whats wrong?" "ash took my memories he can give them back" "are you sure?" "yes, i fell like im missing parts of me and my fire" she hestated then the bed burt in to flams "shit"recce said steping back "i can't controll it recce im sceared" the flams went out as she got up, "right ill get ash" he left, ash was in sector G, in his cell when recce arived, "you coward" "how so" he growled recce stepted closer "red.. you would raver her suffer then" "suffer? how? is she suffering?" "her fire she can't controll it. you need to give he back her memories" "and if i said no" '" i will make you" ash smiled at recce "  please do" he punched recce in the face, recce hit back, let's just say all then tenchion between then would be resoled.

" fine ( ash said picking up a chair he was brused ) i'll restor her mind but you wont like it" '' just stop....i don't care just give me back her, bring back the angel we love" "i don't love her" "yeah right" recce turned and left, rhemeil was reading when he got back she sat up smiling  "how did it go?'' "ash will fix it, red you love me?" " yes always" "okay" he kissed her then stoped and turned away, "he's waiting for you at sector G" "okay" she out her book down, and walked out then flew away, recce punched the wall, at sector G,a sh had cleaned up after there disagrement, he looked at the door then walked out, he found rhemiel in her old room, " your here" he said as she turned around, " can you give me my memories back?" "yes" "how?'' "you won't like it...mabey you will" he walked over to her she was in front of the bed he removed her shirt and his then laid her down taking of thier jeans till they were naked, "this is how?" she asked "yes" they kissed, he let his fingers traill down her body, over her skin stoping at her hips, still kissing, she felt his back she closed her eyes and let him in, felling him move she gasped, "moan in my mouth, as we kiss" he said moving faster, she did as he said digging her fingers in to his back, after she woke alone wraped in the sheet, she felt sick, she got up and run to the bath room and vomited her head was heavy, she returned to her old room found her cloths, dressed and found ash, he looked at her like she was a prize he had just won "ash what's going on?" "what do you remeber?" he asked "i had a oh i raver not say what it was about" he smiled " very we' need to leave a storms coming" he said she just truned and walked out.

recce was waiting for her she ran to him and he huged her "are you okay?" 'yes, a bit sick but i'm fine, realy i remeber everything" "oh thank god" he kissed her, and they walked in to the barn, that night they slept in each other's arms, in the morring rhemiel still felt sick, but she was happy somuch so she was dancing around the barn, her music up loud, ash and recce walked in and stoped they just watched he dancing and singing badly, when she saw then she smiled and kept dancing, recce walked over and truned it down, "hey" '' red, ash is here to check on you" ''oh" "well i have leave" recce said walking out of the barn ash looked at rhemiel as she sat on the couch he sat next to her "did something happen to me?'' she asked him "i took your memories of me" '' why?'' ''becaues i wanted to hurt you" "i dont belive you" she got up, he stood also "it's true....i need you to fell helpless and to be afraid" "why?" "so i could trick you" "in to doing what? " "letting me fuck you" she slaped himas hard as she could and he fell over, "get out" he got up "if it look good naked" "" he left and would not be seen till it was too late.

it had been six weeks since that day in the barn, ash had stayed away, untill Hayse called them out, they were told to be at an old construction site, at noon or else, recce and rhemiel arived first, thenash showed you as soon as he saw rhemiel he looked at her strangely, then looked away like he had felt something he should't have, hayse walked in to the center of the abandon place "hi sudden death time" a demon grabed rhemiel and draged her over to hayse, hayse had a knife recce and ash moved at the same time, "so here's the thing, i wound her or i kill one of you too, can't decide oh well ( he lifted the knife, ash moved her was faster then recce and the knife plunged into his stomach severing a artery he fell back on to a pille of rubel hayes smiled turned and left) "what did you do?'' rhemiel asked falling beside him, recce nelt down also " i fucked up.....i was oh this hurts, so this is diying, i don't like it....oh god i am so sorry" "no, you stupied fool, why?" '' you know why? rhemiel" she loooked down, he placed a bloody handom her face she looked up at him she was crying, "oh i just want to stop cauesing you pain" she stood up, recce stood up, "what are we going to do?" "red theres nothing we can do" 'we can't just let him die, if was you would you want me to just let you die? would you let me die?" '' no of coures not....shit" he reached in his pocket and pulled out "the stone, you carry it around with you?''"yeah, just in case" he gave it to rhemeil, she nelt down with ash between her, "okay this is a gift, you break this and it will rewind, but recce has to be as fair away from her" ''why?" ash asked bleeding out " it will kill him" "oh" 'so break the stone and do things over go back to a moment where you had achance to be good a take it" ''rhemiel will i meet you?" ''not if you do things diffently, and we will never met" ''nope i would raver die, then never met you" '' ash smash the stone" ''no if it means never knowing you, i can't not know you" '' what are you saying?"' '' i love you" '' i need you, to smash the stone please" " fine recce," ''yes" "take care of our girl" he nodded then flew off rhemiel covered the stone i  his hand with her's and kissed his hand " need to know something" '' what?'' " i felt something when i saw you" "what?'' he placed a bloody hand on her stomach, "i think you know" ''ash" she leaned down and kissed him, they smashed the stone and red dust covered them, "you need to leave" ash said she noded and let him go as she flew off the red dust dissapered him and he was gone, she flew home naking a stop amd the was, noe stabding in her bathroom ariel walked in "hey we having holly shit" rhemiel held a pregnacy test in her hand, "are you pregante?" ariel asked "yes"

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