f o u r

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*about a month later, mid-July 2015*

Today, we were filming episode 3 and 4 of ChaSo. We were pampered up for our game called 'Top Secret Soshi' where we would delve into secrets in the group, if I had understood properly. We all sat on cubic seats while we played. After a while, it was my turn to be the mini-MC for my best friend's segment.

I stood behind the stand with cards in my handd and started to MC. I started to talk about my 11-year friendship with Taeyeon and saw her look at me with an endearing expression. "VCR, come on." I said and pointed to my left.

"Ah, that was my golden era." Taeyeon brought up as a clip of her in our 'Twinkle' MV popped up. The oldest Soshi member made her way to sit on the 'hot spot' in front of us as she explained to us her daily schedule so we could find out what our precious house fairy did at home. However, first, we told some anecdotes about our leader.

We all laughed once Yuri and Yoona told us how Tae had stayed in her room for up to 2 days and her light source only came from her computer screen, while I added it sometimes came from her tablet. Taeyeon started to explain her daily routine and I stared at the back of her head. Since her hair was put into a bun, it revealed her tip tips (her bun was pretty much completely pink) and I couldn't help but stare at my favorite color painting part of her blonde hair. Since we were halfway through our PARTY comeback, the color had started to fade.

After we discovered how boring Taeyeon was at home, we went to other members. Even though the members thought Taeyeon was boring, I liked that side of her. She was a very calm person and I could always go to her with my problems and she would help without panicking whatsoever. I was so grateful to have her.

When my turn came, I found out we were playing a game to test not just my Korean skills, but the members too. I had gotten close to the meaning of the first term, but when Yoona said "nongbunki", my mind went completely blank.

"What? How am I suppose to know that means?!" I exclaimed in English, lost and confused. Seriously, what the fuck was 'nongbunki'? The members expressed their confused states as well and we asked the tall blonde to give us a hint.


That night, we all went to the apartment I shared with Taeyeon and Sunny to hang out after our showcase. We sat in the living room and drank soju as we talked about our personal segments for ChaSo and our personal schedules. Since it was already midnight and we had a showcase the next day, the girls left us three dorm mates and the three of us went to prepare to go to bed.

I slipped into my pink 'PINK' PJs... woah that alliteration though. I chuckled at that thought as I was going to get into my comfy bed, I heard a faint knock at my bedroom door. "Fany-ah," I heard a whisper, "are you awake?" I smiled, recognizing Taeyeon's voice.

As I opened the door, I whispered back with my eyesmile making an appearance. "What do you want, midget?" That earned me a slap on my arm and a "yah" from Taeyeon. She pouted and took a step back. "Fine, if you're going to be a meanie, I won't tell you my important news," she said.

That grabbed my attention and caused me to stop her from walking away by grabbing her arm. "What? What important news?" She smirked and walked in my room, closing the door behind her. She sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to her so I would sit down.

"Tae, you're kind of worrying me because you're so silent... What's happening? Is the company making you do something you don't want to?" I started to ramble and the short girl cut me off and giggled.

"Fany-ah, calm down and breathe." She said and put one hand on my thigh. "I actually have good news to report this time.

"Jinja? What is it?"

"Well, actually this is all thanks to our very own Sunkyu, but the news is... the company is letting me break up with Baekhyun sooner." Taeyeon announced and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Sunny talked to her uncle last weekend during her last family supper and convinced him to let me end my relationship. She said he refused to push forward the break up since it wasn't a good image, but finally came up with a compromise."

"What is it?"

"I can break up with Baekhyun, but we have to continue to pretend we are still together, until the original break up date."


"But we won't go on dates anymore or anything." She quickly added, most likely sensing my disappointment. "After I break up with him tomorrow, we're going back to being friends, but if anyone asks, we'll say we're still a couple and that will last until September."

"Alright... so what do we do now?"

"Well, I was thinking of going on a date on your birthday." Taeyeon grinned and that brought a smile to my face as well.

"You're the best, Tae!" I said and wrapped my arms around her small body.

"I know I am." She winked as we pulled away.

"Yah, stop being all arrogant." I stuck my tongue out.

"Alright, alright. Well, that's all I wanted to say. Good night, Fany." Taeyeon said as she stood up. She placed a kiss on my forehead and started to walk away.

"Taetae, wait." I said in English.


"Sleep here. With me."

"Why?" She chuckled and walked back to the bed.

"I want to wake up with your arm around me." I responded simply.

"You kid." She shook her head and climbed under the covers with me following after.

I snuggled closer to Taeyeon as she placed one arm around my waist and pulled me even closer. I started to drift off to sleep, but suddenly felt a hand slowly trail down my body and squeezed my butt cheek. I squealed and turned around to face the culprit.

"What?" Taeyeon asked with an innocent smile. "Your butt looked too cute in those little pink shorts of yours. Well, you look cute in your pink PJs."

My cheeks matched my outfit color and I hit Taeyeon's arm lightly. "Yah~byuntae!"

"You mean Byuntaeng?" She smirked and earned herself another smack.

"Yah~stop hitting me. It's not like you mind anyways."

I was about to object, but closed my mouth after seeing the blonde raise an eyebrow. It was true, Byuntaeng was a side of Taeyeon I liked.

"That's what I thought." She said after seeing she had won. Just I was about to hit her again, she scooted away and accidentally rolled off the bed in the process.

"Omo!" She squealed as she landed on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked and helped her back on the bed.

"Yeah, but my butt hurts a little." She said as she rubbed her bottom.

"Serves you right for teasing me like that."

She pouted and got off the bed with her arms crossed. "Fine, you meanie. I'm going to sleep in my own room tonight."

"No!" I whined and pouted. "Come back." Taeyeon continued her way to the door and I called her once more. "Taetae." I whined again.

"Fine, you big baby." She finally answered and came back under the blanket. We returned to our previous position. She kissed my cheek. "Good night, Fany-ah."

"Good night, Taetae." I said and smiled as I closed my eyes to drift off to dreamland.

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