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*August 2nd, 2015*

We were sitting in Yoona, Sooyoung, Yuri, Hyoyeon and Seohyun's living room. We had filmed an episode of ChaSo where we went to a water park today. We ate the cake the girls got me and we were now in the living room all together, including Sunny even though it was already midnight.

Yuri decided to tell us about her encounter with Jessica. Honestly, I was suprside when she told us Jessica's explanation. It seemed very realistic, but if it was true, that meant Noah probably would've raped Jessica. That enraged me and the other girls. No means no.

"Are you going to beat him up?" Yoona asked.

"I can help you if you want." Hyoyeon added.

"No, don't. We will get in trouble and we don't have enough proof to go against him. Noah has more money than we do and if we go to court, he will win and Sica will suffer."

"You need to stay with Sica, Yul." Taeyeon said. "I know you're hurt, but she needs you. She is also hurting and she just went through something traumatic. Noah is a rich investor who's invested in Tyler's company. They can't afford to lose him."

"I can't... I wasn't there for her. I was suppose to be there to protect her. She needs someone who can be by her side and take care of her. I can't do that and this was my fault. If I wasn't so busy, I would've been with her... She wouldn't have to go through that." Yuri looked down.

She explained to us she was called in by her manager for an emergency meeting for her drama. She obviously believed her girlfriend and felt guilty for not being with her at that time.

"Yuri, it's not like you asked to be this occupied and this is not your fault." I tried to reason with her.

"Yes, it is my faul!" She sobbed.

"So what now? You're just going to leave her? How's that going to help?" Sunny chimed in.

"She's going to be even more alone." Sooyoung said softly.

"No, she won't be." Yuri answered and grimaced. "She will have her boss, Tyler Kwon. I asked him--"

"You asked Tyler to date your girlfriend?!" Seohyun shrieked. "Unnie, I'm sorry, but that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard!" She was right. How would she ask Jessica's rumored boyfriend to actually date her? I would never be able to ask Baekhyun date Taeyeon.

"I didn't ask him to date her! I just asked him to take care of her for me." Yuri replied.

"What if he falls for her? Or what if she falls for him?" I asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he does fall for her." The tan girl chuckled bitterly. "If she falls for him... well, I can't do anything about it, can I? I decided to let her go for someone better."


Yuri and I were sitting in the van, heading to a park. She was going to break up with Jessica. Even after the talk all the members had with her, she had made up her mind. She asked me to go with her and hide somewhere for moral support in case something went wrong. Originally, Yoona was suppose to go, but she had a tight schedule so she wasn't available.

At the park, she went to a bench to wait for Jessica while I hid behind a tree not far from her. A few minutes later, a familiar girl with brown locks arrived. It wasn't the first time I saw Jessica since the incident with the company since we were still in contact, but it was a first to see her kiss Yuri since there wasn't anyone else in the park.

"Sica," said Yuri as she pulled away. "We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk. I just want to go home with you and sleep all day."

Yuri chuckled. "Sleepy Ice Princess."

"Your Sleepy Ice Princess."

Yuri's face fell a little. "We need to talk though."

"Please, I already know what you're going to say." Jessica's voice cracked. "Do you not trust me? I swear I didn't cheat. He pushed himself on me."

"Shhh." Yuri wrapped her arms around Jessica to stop her from crying. "I believe you. Sica. I trust you and I always will. That's why we need to break up."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"I was suppose to be there when he attacked you. I was suppose to be the one to protect you at all cost, but I wasn't. I was late and all that because of my stupid schedule. You deserve someone who can take care of you. You deserve what's best."

"You are what's best for me! There is no one better for me than you! I'm begging you, Yul, don't leave me. I need you." Her voice trembled.

Yuri wiped Jessica's tears away and cupped her face to kiss her gently. "I don't deserve to have you. I'm sorry. We need to break up."

Jessica's tears became uncontrollable. This scene was so heart wrenching. Jessica was holding onto Yuri for dear life as if she were to disappear at any second, but I knew Yuri wasn't going anywhere. Even if they were breaking up and she would leave, she would come back in a heartbeat if Jessica was hurt.

"One more night. Stay with me one more night before you leave." Jessica pleaded.

Yuri sighed and kissed the latter's forehead. "Okay, but I'll have to leave the next morning."

They started to walk away and Yuri stole a glance in my direction. She gave me a small smile and nodded. They went into Jessica's ride while I went back to the van. The drive brought me back to my dorm where I found Taeyeon playing with the dogs in the living room. "Hey," I greeted her. "Yuri broke up with Sica." I said softly.

"Really? They're really over?" Taeyeon asked, sad. I nodded and sat next to her. She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"What if we break up, Tae? I mean we aren't girlfriends yet, but what if? We're getting busier and busier with our solo careers. That was what caused Yul and Sica's break up."

"Don't think about that, Fany. I would and will never break up with you." She smiled. "I'm sorry our date got interrupted the other day by the way."

"You couldn't do anything about that. You were called in the studio to meet a producer who was in Seoul for only a short period of time. Plus, your sweet message from ChaSo and the birthday present compensated for that." I answered and laid down so I rested my head on her lap. "Also, to reply to your question in the video: yes, we are more than best friends." I gave her my infamous eye smile.

"Right, we are." She chuckled. "Since you brought that up, I have a question for you. Fany-ah, will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled cheekily. I grinned and pulled her head down to connect our lips. At first, it was a soft kiss, but Taeyeon re-positioned herself to straddle me and she deepened the kiss. When we pulled away to breath, she asked, "so is that a yes?"

I shrugged. "Mmm, I don't know. Ask me again." I smirked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes playfully. She approached my ear and whispered. "Will. You. Be. My. Girlfriend." She asked and placed a kiss between each word, trailing up my neck.

My breath hitched and my pulse quickened. "You're so hot." I said just above a whisper.

Her hands were running up and down my side this whole time making it harder to talk. "You still didn't answer my question, missy." She said sensually.

"Ask me again." I smirked. I wanted her to continue seducing me.

She raised an eyebrow and stopped her actions. No, I want more! "If you're going to be like this, forget my question and my awesome kisses."

I pouted as she sat up straight, still straddling my hips. "I want you to continue what you were doing."

"Answer my question first." She smirked this time, knowing I enjoyed what she was doing and that she had total control of me.

I pulled her the collar of her shirt with force so she would less than an inch away from my face. I looked down at her slightly swollen lips and back to her eyes full of lust. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Taetae."

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