Thursday, 26th January 2017

11 3 0

12.09 PM

I just got home from Uni. It didn't go very well. There were at least a hundred people before me so I asked a friend to call when she got her number so that I could go and put in my form. She asked about you. I wanted to tell her we were on break but I couldn't. I said you were at work. Guess I'm still in denial. Or maybe I want to keep the public image that we're still the perfect goals couple.

I have to go back anyhow, so I'm still dressed. I think I need to use more lip balm. My lips are starting to feel weird, like the coarse feeling. Maybe Im still being paranoid because you said they weren't coarse but I can feel it and I don't feel okay.

I've found a new song. I told my lazy friend to send it to you, I don't know if he did. Cause I didn't want to waste my daily one message on a youtube link. 

Just been told he has sent it to you. 

I feel good. I tagged you in the post in case you felt sad today for whatever reason. I'm glad you replied with a heart. Glad you're still somehow keeping touch, even if it's through Facebook comments.

I'm still waiting for my friend to hit me up. I've been going to bookshops a lot lately. Did I mention that I finished the books for school? Oh, I also bought your sister a birthday present already aha. But she won't get it until her birthday so don't worry. I was worried I wouldn't have enough money then, so I bought it the other day. She found out though but I don't mind cause this means she's looking forward to it now.

I wish I could talk to you. I'm not wondering–oh who am I kidding aha, I am wondering who you could be talking to while online. Keep wondering why you're even online cause you're not sharing many posts. It's okay.

I'm just hoping I get to go back to Uni cause my mum might be busy when I need to go and I might lose my number and end up not being able to put in my registration form. 

I'll let you know what happens I guess.

I love you a lot.


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