Wednesday, 1st February 2017

11 3 0

12.12 PM

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a few days. I'm just so busy with stuff lately, and things have been going great so I didn't think I'd need to write–aside from the fact that my grandmother is still the same old mean person she always was. 

I'm sorry about last night. If I did offend you because that's not what I intended.

And I'm sorry for making you block me for a few hours even when you didn't want to but I need to feel good about myself, not shit. I'm still uncomfortable talking to you for too long, or talking unless you talked first. Even uncomfortable talking when you talk first so I try to pretend I'm not around or busy. I'm usually reading. 

And I try to reply to you as late as I can so that we can go to sleep earlier and talk less. But if we start talking properly–like today, I know that I probably can't stop and will keep asking on any excuse I can find. That's why I asked you to block me. I'm really sorry. I really do love you so much. I'm doing this for you. Because this is what you wanted, isn't it?

I have to go to Uni in 45 minutes. I doubt you'd read this unless I let you know somehow so I think I'll ask your sister to remind you or something. 

Also, I sent you some messages which I'm not sure whether you got or not but here.

Also, I sent you some messages which I'm not sure whether you got or not but here

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In case you didn't get them

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In case you didn't get them. 

I miss you. I wish things were better. I honestly thought another break would make things better. It was working for you last time so I just assumed...

I'm sorry. I know how things are for me. I won't question you now.

I love you a lot.


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