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One of my
Biggest fear
Is to not feel
Not feel love
And kindness
Filll me
Up to the
The brim of my cup

But as I stare at
My own reflection
My fear fizzles out
In bubbles of
It drains out of me
In tears and
As I wish
So desperately that

I couldn't feel

To not look at every ad
And see slim bodies
And glossed figures
Feel my lunch rise up
Feel my thoughts urge it on
To fit in societies image of perfection

To not have a wonderful day ruined
When I run by a mirror
Eyes catching my bubble shape
Spotted face
Suddenly feeling sick

Hateing every movement I make

Feeling completely out of place
Feeling I'm the worst kind of ugly
Inside and out.
Feeling of the imperfections growing
Feelling of hate topping them like cherries on a spoon of unlovable mess

I wish I didn't fear
The loss of feelings
I wouldn't fear the feeling
Of my own skin...

Inspiration: Body shame

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