16 - Alpha Tone

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Everest's P.O.V

"See you later." I wave with a half-smile as Ben walks into school. I feel jealousy towards him; you have no worries when you're that young, you don't even have to do work in school! I swear all they do is paint and play cars all day.

Hopping back in the car, I'm not overly surprised to see father chilling in the front seat. Well, 'chilling' is completely the wrong word to use. He's wearing a suit and his back is as straight as a ruler. He keeps his stoic expression when he sees me get in the car and start the engine.

"So, did you mark her?" he asks as soon as we are out of the carpark. I glance at him to see he's staring right at me.

"The girl's stubborn." I sigh, speeding past a cyclist. There is no way in Hell I'm telling my father she ran away. Goddess knows what he would do to me. I'm skating on thin ice as it is. "She wouldn't let me, and I couldn't force it on her. I'm sorry, Father." I speak clearly; the man hates mumbling with a passion.

"Pull over." He states, turning back to look out of the windscreen again. I comply, biting on my tongue as I pull into a layby. As soon as the engine is stationary again, he twists in his seat, holding his hand out. A knife appears and I flinch. "You told me she would be marked by now, Everest. She's not. That is punishable." He bites out, flipping the knife in his fingers. He lets go of it suddenly, and it lands itself right in my forearm. I don't move. It would make it worse.

He grabs the handle and spins the blade in my arm. Blood pours down my pale skin and I try not to gasp out, but one cannot get used to the feeling of a metal object breaking through skin.

"If that useless piece of shit is not claimed by the end of the week Sunday, I will make her mine instead. That will hurt even more than me killing her." He speaks tightly, then flicks his wrist and disappears from the car. Breathing heavily, I yank the blade from my arm and use my other hand to rip some of my shirt off. To stop the blood, I use it to wrap around the gaping hole in my arm. It's already started to heal, but it will definitely leave a scar.

At home, I head straight to my room and take a seat on the bed. Yesterday night, she slept in this bed. She trusted me enough to sleep in the same bed as me, and then she realised my plans. That trust is long gone; not that there was much. They say trust is earned, and I know she never fully trusted me. I started to gain some feelings for her, and I let my guard down. I trusted her not to leave me, and truth is, I don't think she would've if Gabe hadn't been there. So there must have been even a little bit of trust, right?

I take some time to think about what to do. I don't want her to be in danger of me anymore. I don't want her here if she's here to die. But I told him. I promised I wouldn't back out on this because it will save Ben and keep him safe.

There are other ways to kill my wolf, but they can hurt my wizard side as well. For example, Wolf's Bane. Lethal to werewolves, and harmful to many other supernatural species. The name says one thing, but the facts say another. I need to be healthy if I want this to be worth it.

Easily, I could transport to her room right now and take her back. I could lock her in a room and chain her to a chair until she loves me, but it doesn't work like that, because I need to earn that trust back to let me mark her. By the end of the week, Father said.

Then again, who said I have to do it from here? She left because I betrayed her and kept her from her family. So, all I have to do is prove I didn't mean it and leave her at her house. She'll be calmer there. I can visit her. It's Monday, so I have seven days. One week to mark her.

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