7 - You're Mute

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Everest's P.O.V

I honestly didn't think she would find it as bad as she did. My wolf side wanted a break from trying to keep himself reigned in, and I thought maybe she did too.

I guess I misread those signs a little.

Two minutes ago, my mate stomped down on my foot to get me to pull away and stormed out of the shop with a murderous expression on her face. Although the effect was toned down a bit when she paused at some old man frozen in time with his coffee cup halfway falling to the floor and picked it up, placing it back in his hand. Then she continued to walk to the door and slam it behind her, hard enough for the windows to shake in protest.

I mean I realise I haven't been the best mate to her. With the insults and the cold shoulder I was giving her. And then showing her Ben and not explaining right away. But that was a little extravagant, no?

Spilling part of the truth really helped to calm me down, although the wizard part of me still wants to go and kill a few random people just for fun. I think of it like I have an angel and a devil on my shoulders. The angel is my werewolf half and the devil is my wizard part. I guess it's because my werewolf side is half human, and humans don't slap the fuck out of cacti just to train themselves that violence is wrong.

Yes, I did that after Ben was born. That was a thing.

Everyone in Costa is still frozen in place. I go over to the counter and serve myself another cup of coffee for the trip back, and a couple of cookies for when I find Avery. She didn't eat much of the cake I gave her. Ben's occupied with his friend until four, so I have another few hours to find her and apologise and all that shit.

With that rouge attack, it made me realise that I'm letting her slip through my fingers. I need to strengthen the mate bond if I want my father's plan to work. And now she knows everything about Ben, it should be easier. She's slowly pushing through my barriers with the simplest actions, and my wolf side wants her, badly. The way she stood up for herself when I kicked her friend out her house, the way she interacts with Ben so naturally, the way she still wanted me after everything I told her. Well, I don't know if she'll want me anymore after that kiss. I wasn't exactly subtle about it. I know I need to make it up to her if I want everything to work out.

Shoving the cookies in a small take away bag, I readjust my jacket and grab the coffee, when the door opens.

"So you told her about Ben. Is this a way to try and gain her trust before your dad puts his plan into action?" Gabe says walking into the room. He's my cousin, about three years older than me, full werewolf. We've been friend since we were young, he knows everything about me and I've always put my trust in him. However, since Ben was conceived, our relationship hasn't been great and I haven't seen him a lot. He didn't agree with my father from the start, and when I ignored his blatant request to stop with trying, he became very distant.

"She was getting curious." I pause and put the cookies in the pocket of my jacket, then make another coffee for Gabe. I may as well, since Costa is way over priced in my opinion anyway. "And dad said to strengthen our 'relationship', so that's what I'm trying to do."

"This is wrong, Everest. Surely you know that by now. After what happened with Ben and everything." He replies. Rounding the counter, I hand him the coffee and take a sip of mine.

"I don't regret what happened with Ben. When he's older, he'll be the most powerful being on the planet. He'll thank me; it's a great gift." I shrug, only half speaking the truth.

"It's not a gift – it will torment him for the rest of his life! I'm guessing you won't even let him have a say in embracing his powers." Gabe scoffs, staring down at the cup in his hand and then back at me.

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