Real Poison - 24

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Mum always had a thing for diaries. 'Always write down your feelings' she would say, 'just in case'. See, I try. I really do. But I can never get past the date. I never know where to start after that.


I don't even know the date of the month, only that it's Thursday morning.

This time is no different. I have so many thoughts buzzing around my head that it's hard to find the beginning of them.

I can imagine him now, lying on that table again. No four year old deserves that. Ever.

That's what will happen if he kills me; his son becomes a science experiment for a load of business men in suits with scalpels and a warehouse. It sounds obvious to say that I need to stop it.

I could talk to him, but that would mean going back there. It was hard getting home last time – I don't know if I'll be able to again. Although, if I can talk sense into him maybe it will all be fine.

His actions are driven by his dad, according to Gabe and the visions I saw. He said his name was Curt. Doesn't seem like a good man. He's been planting all these thoughts into Everest's head. He says it's to keep his Grandson safe, but there's something about him that makes me doubt him. Also, what Gabe told me, and I would trust him with my life.

The visions the tree showed me were nothing less than horrific. First, it was Everest killing me – with Wolf's Bane to the heart. I was already unconscious in that one. But then it cut to the second one, and that's when Everest told Ben that they'd been 'found' by someone. The last one was the worst. Blood and screaming and men in suits.

It can't happen.

Mum and Dad haven't asked any questions yet, for which I'm glad. I don't know what I can tell them until I've told Everest. I need to see how he reacts to all this before I go pointing fingers. He's done so many terrible things in his life time, but something about him and his actions is driven by his father, it's just determining how much of his evil ways are actually from his subconscious that I'm having trouble with figuring out.

Ditching the diary on the bed, I grab an old jacket from the closet and pull it on. Remembering what happened the last time I went off without saying anything, I scribble a note to anyone who might find me gone and panic. It basically says that I went for a run to clear my head and I'll be back by the afternoon.

I jump neatly out of the window and bend my knees on falling so I don't break any bones. And then I leg it through the pack territory towards the boarders, and where I know Everest will be. The trainers I have on help greatly, as I spare no remorse for my burning lungs and calves as I sprint to the edge of the boarder. Respectful nods and smiles at any patrollers are enough for them to let me be; being the Alpha's daughter really has its perks. The whole pack has been wary around me since I returned; keeping an eye out for me, but as soon as they know I'm fine, they continue with whatever they're doing. I appreciate the pack more than a lot of things. I don't tell them that often enough.

Soon, thick grass turns to concrete as I approach the edge of the city. Deciding to run around it instead of through it means humans won't question the psychotic sprinting girl running like a maniac through hordes of people.

My mate lives just outside the city, in an area where the houses have thinned out and what remains seem randomly placed all over the landscape. Secluded. I guess that's why he chose it in the first place.

The front door to the bungalow is unfamiliar to me. I've only seen it once or twice, otherwise I was locked in the house or being carried half unconscious through it.

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