Dark Locks - 22

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Everest is standing in a room next to another figure. A larger figure. My mate's hands are shaking, but the other person is completely stoic. Calm.

"Ready, Son?" the man says, directing the question at Everest. So it's his Dad then. He gulps and nods, moving his eyes towards the floor.

The 'camera' zooms out. There's another person in a chair, legs tied to the feet of it and waist strapped tightly to the back. It's a girl. Her dark hair falls over her face as her head hangs forward. Unconscious. Those dark locks haunt me; they look familiar.

"Go ahead, then." Everest's father tells his son, handing him a shining syringe.

"Why can't you do it?" his voice trembles as he speaks. For the first time, I actually see Everest looking vulnerable. There's a level of uncertainty behind those eyes that makes me itch to comfort him, but in the same time, fear him. It's a feeling I can't get over; the way his blue eyes glow and his black hair contrasts against pale skin and red eyes doesn't help.

His father chuckles, squeezing some colourless liquid from the top of the syringe to test it and smiles.

"Because your wolf needs to die, Everest, not just be contained. And you won't just stand there and watch me do it; even if you can't channel your wolf, that doesn't mean your wolf can't channel you."

"He never has before." My mate protests, taking a step away from the weapon.

"He's never watched is soul mate die before, Son." My breath hitches as I finally realise what this is. It's me in that chair, and my mate is about to kill me. This must be what happens if I let him do it.

I see Everest reluctantly nod and take the syringe in his hand. I try to control my breathing as he slowly stalks towards my body.

"But if that's true, then he won't let me do it."

"This way I can use my powers to make it go that extra centimetre if I need to. He'll think it's his fault, won't be able to bare it. Trust me." his Father tells him encouragingly. There's a pause that in reality is only probably about ten seconds long, but for me it seems to go on for hours.

"I need to apologise first. She needs to know it's not her fault and that I'm sorry." He concludes, turning to face his father.

"We don't have time." Firmly, he shakes his head, his lips thinning into a straight line.

"Please, Father, I'm about to lose my wolf's mate-"

"I never said goodbye to Lydia, I just stabbed that fucking syringe in her heart, so I suggest you do the same." There's slight anger in his voice that makes Everest submit and bow his head. That action alone frustrates me. I'm beginning to see things I didn't know before – like the control his father has over him. I knew it was there from what Gabe said, but I never thought it was that bad.

And he just accepts it like it's normal.

I want to squeeze my eyes shut and not watch, but I can't tear my eyes away from the screen. I have to know if he'll do it. Is it even possible to put your wolf through that without him lashing out?

Everest has approached the me sitting strapped to the chair. He looks down at 'me' with pitying, apologetic eyes that speak to me like nothing else. Softly, he takes my sleeping face in his hands and crouches down to be eye level, running his pale fingers through my hair and raking it back over my shoulder.

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