Chapter 3

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Harrison came downstairs to an empty house. Where the hell is my family? He wondered. He wandered into the kitchen, seeing a note from Carrie.

He unplugged his phone, asking Carrie if she could get him Gatorade and paint for her birthday present.

H: Sweetheart can you get me some Gatorade and white paint while you're at the store?

It was only a few seconds before she replied.

C: I got your Gatorade and I just left. Do you want me to go back for the paint?"

H: Nah it's fine. I need a few blocks of wood anyway.

H: Are you texting and driving?

C: I'm using the Bluetooth. And there's French toast in the fridge.

H: You told me.

H: Alright sweetheart be careful. I love you

C: I love you too.

C: I forgot to tell you, my parents are coming over for dinner tonight.

H: Want me to clean a little?

C: If you want. I was going to do it when I got home.

H: You still have stuff to do for Monday. I'm going to the hardware store in a few minutes and I'll clean up when I get home.

C: Don't get my car dirty!

H: Relax, it's only a few blocks of wood.

C: You're not getting the big stuff?

H: I don't need it.

C: Okay.

Harrison ran up to their room, changing into a t-shirt and jeans. He quickly ate a piece of French toast before running out the door. He wanted to get the stuff he needed, and have the house clear of cluttered toys before Carrie and the kids got home.

He unlocked Carrie's Porsche, throwing a toy football in the backseat, as he jumped in the drivers seat. Adjusting the mirror, he saw all the kids toys laying around. Don't get my car dirty, she said. Sweetheart, your car already needs cleaned, he thought with a smile.

Harrison added that to his to-do list as he pulled out of the driveway. First was to get the wood blocks and paint for Carrie's birthday present, clean the house, then clean Carrie's car.


Harrison ran into the hardware store, right to the paint section. He had the paint mixed, and as it was mixing, he got the wood he needed. Checking out, he ran back to the car, opening the hatch, and throwing the items in the back.

On his way home, he stopped to grab Carrie her favorite smoothie. Harrison went inside, smiling as his mom came out from behind the counter. "Hey mom."

"Harrison! How are you doing honey?"

"Good mom. Can I get Carrie's favorite?"

"She likes extra strawberry right?" She asked, giving the order to one of her employees.


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