Chapter 13

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Carrie slept even closer to Harrison that night. They lay in each other's arms, whispering 'I love you' over and over.

Once they finally fell asleep, she woke up every few hours, the crash replaying in her head. "I'm sorry," she said, watching as his eyes slowly opened.

"I can't sleep good either."

"I just see it over and over in my head."

He curled up against her, pushing some of her hair out of her face. "They did say it could take a few days."

Carrie pressed into his chest. "You saved our lives by turning sideways, as well as that drivers," he whispered.

She trembled. "I'm just still in shock."

"Me too. It's a lot to take in. But we're both okay. The driver is okay. That's all that matters."

Harrison pulled the covers up more, feeling her tremble turn into more of a shiver. "Now get some sleep sweetheart. I'll be right here."

"Harrison, I love you so much."

"I love you more Carrie."

She smiled, closing her eyes.


The next morning, they woke to both the kids jumping onto their bed. Normally Carrie would say something about that, but today, she didn't care.

Emma laid on Harrison while Adam stuck himself between his parents. "Mommy, are you okay?"

Carrie smiled. "Yeah buddy, I'm fine."

"What about daddy?"

She looked over at Harrison holding Emma above him, moving her around like an airplane. "Daddy's okay."

Harrison set Emma down, turning towards them. "How about breakfast in bed and a movie?"

Adam smiled, bolting off their bed, running downstairs to find his favorite movie. Harrison followed him, heating up pancakes and taking them back upstairs.

Pretty soon the four of them were munching on pancakes and watching Adam's favorite movie; Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. "She looks like mommy," he said, pointing to Princess Leia.

"She does," Harrison said. "But nowhere near as beautiful as your mom."

Emma giggled, playing with her R2-D2 pillow. Her dad laughed along with her, until it smashed off his face. Carrie laughed, giving Emma a high five. "Nice shot girly."

After the movie, the kids helped their parents carry all the plates downstairs. Adam and Emma helped Carrie put the dishes in the dishwasher, while Harrison talked to the insurance company about the truck.

"What'd they say?" She asked, taking Emma's crayons to the kitchen table.

Adam sat next to his sister as they both drew a picture. "They recommend getting the truck fixed."

"It should be 100% covered right?"

"Yeah it is."

"When's it going to be done?"

He sighed. "About a week. They have to bring in some parts from out of state. Which means we'll have to flip a coin over who gets the Porsche."

Carrie found a quarter in her purse. "Heads, I get it tomorrow. Tails, you get it tomorrow. Deal?"

He nodded. She flipped the coin, laughing as it landed on heads. "You sure you can handle the standard?"

"I can handle anything. In fact, I'm going to take it right now to grab some things from the store and see what's wrong with my truck," he smirked.

She tossed him the keys. "Don't stall out, that'd be embarrassing."

He playfully rolled his eyes, kissing her before grabbing his wallet and phone. "Anybody wanna come?" He asked the kids.

"I will daddy!" Adam said, packing up his coloring supplies.

"Let's go buddy."


Harrison and Adam came back a few hours later to find Carrie braiding Emma's hair on the pool deck. "Look mommy! Look what I got!"

She turned, seeing Adam running with a giant box which was a lego X-Wing. In his other hand, he had a box of crayons and colored pencils. Adam gave those to Emma who jumped off Carrie's lap, the braid falling out. "Thanks daddy!"

Harrison gave her a hug before sitting beside Carrie. "How's the truck look?"

"I'm surprised they recommend getting it repaired." Pulling out his phone, he showed her a few pictures of the front. "The axle's busted, the engine block out of alignment, the whole transmission out of alignment."

"How much is this going to cost? Are you sure they'll cover it 100%?"

"Yeah, the guy I talked to said with your perfect driving record and the accident forgiveness, it'll be 100% paid for."

"That's good."

"Daddy! Can we build this?"

"Sure Adam," he said, getting up.

"Before you go," I have to show you something," Carrie said, pulling out her phone. "Another email from yours truly, Jerry Jones."

Harrison cursed. "What'd he say this time?"

Carrie scrolled through the email. "He said he's happy we're okay and that he wanted to arrange a meeting with you regarding you coming back into the NFL."

"This is starting to piss me off."

"Did you ever consider going back on your own?"

"What's that mean?"

"Did you ever want to go back, not letting me or the kids influence your decision?"

He swallowed. "Not really. We have the kids and another one on the way. I'm a little busy for football."

Carrie nodded, following him into the house. Something told her that wasn't all. They walked in, seeing the kitchen table covered in Lego's. "Mommy, wanna help too?"

"Sure buddy."

They both sat down next to Adam and in no time, the X-Wing was built. "Now does that set the record for the fastest built?"

"Yeah daddy. I think it beats the TIE fighter."

"Where you going to put that one?" Carrie asked, getting up for a cup of coffee.

"Probably next to my TIE fighter mommy!"

She laughed. "You're going to need another table for all those Lego's."

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