Chapter 14

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Carrie stretched out, having the bed to herself this morning. She rolled over onto his side, the faint smell of him still present. Yawning, she realized she would have the entire house to herself this morning.

With Adam at his friend's, Emma at Harrison's mothers, and Harrison himself out hunting, it was going to be a much needed peaceful morning. She got out of bed, checking her phone to see if her doctor had called. Today was a big day, as her ultrasound results should be in, and she would find out if her baby is a boy or girl.

Walking downstairs, she went to the fridge, looking for something to eat. There was a note on the fridge, undoubtedly in Harrison's writing.

Morning beautiful,
Try not to eat anything for breakfast. I know that might be hard with you being pregnant and stuff. My dad and I are stopping to eat when we're done, and I'm going to bring you something you'll love. I love you.

Carrie smiled, closing the fridge. She took her laptop, a cup of coffee, and her phone and went outside. Mornings in Texas were beautiful. It was mid November and she could see the fog rolling away as the sun rose.

Sitting down, Carrie watched a few rabbits and squirrels run through the yard as birds landed on the bird feeder. It was so peaceful, being able to hear the wildlife without tons of cars driving by in the morning. She loved the private drive and being about a half mile from the nearest neighbor.

But if she could live anywhere, she would want to live in Minnesota. Her, Harrison, and Adam all loved snow. She loved the way it settled on the trees and she loved snowmobiling. Harrison took her snowmobiling at his brothers house in Colorado and she loved it so much they turned it into an annual vacation every December. But that wouldn't happen for a long time. She had a well paying job here, Adam just started school, and there was a new baby on the way.

Opening her laptop, Carrie began looking at room themes for the new baby's room. After having Emma, she told Harrison that she wanted to remodel. The results from her ultrasound would determine the choice of colors.

They were a few schemes she liked. One was a teal blue with grey and the other was a light purple with a milky white. Carrie also wanted a new crib and a new bookshelf. She heard her phone ring, feeling the vibration on her thigh. Looking at the number, she knew it was her doctor.

"Carrie, the results are in. Are you ready?"


"You are going to give birth to a baby..." Carrie squealed.

"Thanks so much," she said before hanging up. Waking up her laptop, Carrie ordered the paint.

She looked at a few more things online before going back inside to take book inventory. There were tons of baby books, some she or Harrison never even had a chance to read to Emma. Taking the unread books downstairs, Carrie cleared room on the bookshelf for another picture frame.

Back outside, she shopped for a new frame. Seeing a white rustic looking frame, she ordered it. Carrie loved rustic things, especially frames.

She checked her phone. Still nothing from her husband. Carrie desperately wanted him to come home soon. She was up for another p90x workout, and she was determined to beat his pull up record. P90x workouts were her favorite. It was 90 minutes of conditioning, usually running, weight lifting, or they would work a specific muscle, sometimes doing upper and lower body days. When Harrison played football for the Cowboys, they did a workout similar to the p90x.

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