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I'm honestly surprised, no very surprised that I actually finished this book. I started this in early December of last year. Then it sat around for a while after I got some ideas for a Han/Leia fanfic. But after watching the NFL playoffs, I decided to continue it.

And I would like to thank you all for reading and sticking with me through this entire project, as well as commenting on every chapter. The comments meant so much. And it means a lot to have so many amazing readers.

Special thanks to RaideroftheLostVader justjedithings starwars_1317and Harrisoncarrie. Your comments and support are greatly appreciated!

And as of a prequel or sequel, I've decided to write a prequel on this story and I am now currently a few chapters in. I hope to have that coming soon!

Thanks so much everyone!
~Victoria (hanorgana)

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