Chapter 6

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"Did you ever tell your mom about our little adventure?"

Carrie laughed. "No she would've killed me, and you as well."

"I don't know about that. I'm a pretty likable person."

She snorted. "I told her about the overnight thing, not my reckless driving."

"It wasn't reckless," Harrison smiled.

"Bull shit."

He laughed, "whatever you say."

Carrie snuggled closer, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep before the kids woke up. "Want to go shooting?" He asked.

She looked up at him. "We do have 2 kids."

"My mom will watch them."

"I can see Adam asking where we're going. 'Oh by the way, you're gonna stay at grandmas while mommy and daddy go play with weapons'."

"Well if you put it like that..."

Carrie sat up, hearing a bang and a screaming kid. "How about this? We take the kids to the park for a little bit, drop them off at your moms, go shooting, then go out for a family dinner?"

"That sounds good."

She looked towards the door, hearing another bang, and their daughter screaming. "I suppose we should put a stop to whatever that is," she mumbled getting up.

Harrison followed her. "Kid breaking stuff or screaming baby?"

"Screaming baby."

"Good choice."

"He's in for a treat," he called after her, opening the door to Emma's room.

"Well, don't mess with mommy," she teased, heading downstairs.

Harrison found Emma laying in her bed, screaming and kicking. Grabbing her bottle from the high shelf, he gave it to her, only to see it go flying past his face. "Well then..."

Emma began crying. He sat her up, holding her little hands. "Somebody's hungry huh?"

She rolled over, trying to climb under the covers. "Hey," he said, picking her up, "let's go get some breakfast."

From downstairs Harrison heard her yell, "ADAM DOUGLAS-"

Emma smiled. "Adam's getting in trouble," he tickled her. Turning on his back, he held Emma up, making plane noises and moving her like an airplane. She laughed hard, spitting on his face a little. "Alright that's enough of that sweetie."

He stood up, grabbed her bottle of the floor and headed downstairs to see what happened. Adam was on the floor, next to Carrie, helping his mother sweep the remnants of a flower pot. "Well what happened here?"

Harrison sat Emma in her chair, awaiting an answer from either one. "Tell daddy what happened."

Adam swallowed, looking up at his father. "I hit the flower," he said, holding up his football.

"And what do you say to mommy?"

He turned to his mother. "I'm sorry mommy."

Carrie held her arms out. "Come here." Adam gave his mother a hug. "No footballs in the house from now on, okay?"

Harrison caught a glimpse of Carrie's gaze. 'This goes for you too' she mouthed.

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