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Carrie watched as Adam ran out onto the Cowboys field, wearing number 10.

"There he goes mom," Emma said from beside her.

Billie peered over her mother's shoulder. "I see him!"

Harrison stood on the sidelines, wearing his headset, and directing players. Adam ran from the huddle, back by the sidelines as the ball was snapped. He shot down the field, catching the pass for his first NFL reception. Carrie cheered along with the rest of the crowd.

Harrison jumped, throwing his papers on the turf. "Why's everybody happy grandma?"

Carrie picked up her granddaughter and set her on her lap. "That was your daddy's first NFL reception. The first of many..."


Harrison officially retired from the NFL after finishing the 3 years remaining on his contract. He and Carrie went on to have another son.

Carrie retired from teaching a few years later. She retired as the most awarded college professor in history.

Adam played for the Cowboys as a wide receiver with his father as the coach. They won 3 Super Bowls before he retired after 10 seasons. He and his wife Joanne had 2 daughters.

Emma grew up so much like her mother, becoming a college biology professor just as her mother had. Her and her husband had a son and are currently expecting another.

Billie became an actor, starring in many movies. She is most famous for her role in the Star Wars saga.

Harrison and Carrie's second son Ben was drafted by the Cowboys and currently is the starting quarterback. Although retired from coaching, Harrison continues to help Ben in becoming the best quarterback he can be.

Eddie Fisher, after leaving his family, remarried, but is now on good terms with Carrie and Debbie.

Carrie currently keeps her streak going of attending the boys football games. She never missed one of Harrison's or Adam's, and continues to attend every one of Ben's games.

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