Chapter 11

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"Mommy! How do I look?"

Carrie finished with her hair. "Handsome buddy. Now where's your tie?"

"Daddy has it."

"Daddy has what?" Harrison asked, entering their bedroom.

"My tie daddy!" Adam came over to him, taking the blue tie out of his hands. He took it to Carrie, shoving it in her hand. "Mommy can you put this on please?"

She knelt down, tying his tie. "There you go buddy."

Adam straightened his tie. "Where we even going?"

"Daddy's friends wedding," Harrison added from in front of them. "Remember my friend Jason, Adam?" Adam nodded yes. "He's getting married."

"What's married?"

"It's a formal unification between two people. Typically after that, they live with each other and in some circumstances, the wife takes the husband's last name."

"Are you and mommy married?" He asked Harrison.

"Oh yeah buddy," Harrison answered, picking Adam up. Looking at Carrie, he said, "what man would be crazy enough to let mommy go?"

"Did mommy take your last name."

"Yeah buddy."

Carrie smiled, turning back to the mirror to fix her hair. "Why don't you go eat a snack before we leave buddy?"

"Ok daddy!" Adam said, running out of the room.

"I'm next," he whispered, kissing her. Pulling away, he handed her his tie. Once she finished tying it, Carrie pulled him towards her, kissing him again.

"When are you gonna learn to do this yourself? I've been doing this for 11 years."

"And you're going to do in for the rest of our lives. It's been 11 years?"

Carrie leaned against him. "Yeah it has. We started dating when we were 18."


"I know, I've put up with you for 11 years."


Harrison followed Carrie to her closet. "I don't know which dress to wear," she complained. "I want to hide the bulge as long as I can," she patted her stomach.

He pushed by her pulling out a pink dress. "How about this one?"

"That's too tight for pregnant me," she said. "Besides it needs to be blue to match your tie."

Harrison tried again. This time, he pulled out a blue dress, that looked like it would be more comfortable for her. "I like that one."

Carrie took it, and quickly changed. By the time she was done fluffing it out, it was barely noticeable that she was 2 and a half months pregnant. "Ready sweetheart?"

She nodded as he took her hand and led her downstairs.


As they walked to their seats, almost everyone they walked by waved to Emma who walked down the isle like a supermodel. She waved back to everyone waving to her and even said hi to a few people.

Carrie laughed at Emma, walking with her hand on her hip. "She's adorable," somebody said to Carrie as she passed by.

Sitting down, Carrie sat Emma on her lap. "You're charming people already huh? Just like your daddy."


She handed Emma to Harrison who sat her on his lap as the wedding started. It was a long ceremony, taking almost 2 hours. Thankfully the kids were good during the whole thing.

They took the kids over to Pam and Terry's after the ceremony and went back for the after party. They kids were really good, but Harrison and Carrie could both see that it wasn't going to hold up for much longer so they dumped the kids at Adam's friend's.

"Harrison let's dance."

He looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "I can't dance."

"Come on, I'll show you."

Harrison allowed her to lead him to the dance floor. He made her go in the back, where they couldn't be easily seen. Carrie took his right hand in her left, holding it out. "Hand on my hip."

He obeyed, placing his other hand on her hip. She put her other hand on his shoulder, beginning to move. "It's just like this," she said, going through the routine again.

Harrison nodded, keeping up with her the third time. Once he got comfortable, he added in a spin. "I'm doing good huh sweetheart?"

"I guess."

"What's I guess?"

Carrie smiled. "That's just the basics. We need to step it up."

"Step it up? Excuse me?"

She started dancing again. "Come on, you can keep up."

Somehow, Harrison kept up until they were both sweating. Clapping emerged from behind them. Carrie looked around, seeing that they were the only ones left on the dance floor. "How long were we out here?" He whispered.

"I don't know," she answered. "Long enough to put on a show."

He laughed, leading her off the floor as the people still cheered for them.


They were the last people to leave. Harrison caught up with Jason, asking him how the Cowboys were going to do this year. He clapped Harrison on the back saying, "you should come back, we could use ya."

Meanwhile, Carrie gave Jason's wife Michelle kid advice. Michelle was 4 months pregnant, and she asked Carrie plenty of questions about things to buy for the baby's room. Carrie answered with lots of rattles, blankets, and books.

Walking out to the truck, Harrison felt a little tipsy. "Sweetheart, maybe you should drive home."

"Drink to much?" She asked, taking the keys from him.

"Yeah, too much."

"Probably would've been me too if I wasn't pregnant."

Carrie climbed in the truck, adjusting the drivers seat. "We're at a quarter tank. Want me to stop for gas?"

"No I'll fill it up tomorrow when I go shopping. It's late anyways."

She nodded, turning onto the main road. "Want to get a movie?"

"What about the kids."

Changing the channel, Carrie looked at the time on the trucks LCD screen. "It's 10:00 already. It's passed their bed time so we can watch something after."


They were almost home when Carrie noticed the car in the other lane drifting over the center line. "What the hell?"

She flashed the other driver, to no avail. The car was drifting over even more. Her heart began to pound. Carrie scanned the side of the road, looking for a place to turn off but there was nothing, and the car was still coming.

The car seemed to speed up as she honked. Seeing the car drift over fully into their lane, now no possible way to avoid a collision. She slammed on the brakes, turning to the right as the cars made contact...

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