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"Why would you think that?"

There's a million reasons why I think it, Aiden Grey. I just don't have enough time to tell you.

"You seriously want to know why?" I ask, a curious glint in my boring brown eyes. I stare at him although he doesn't stare back but as far as it is for me, this moment is perfect. He nods.

"Let's face it, Grey. I'm not popular. I never will be. I'm not perfect like Scarlette, because I never will be. I'm not good enough for the higher class of Greendale High. I never will be. I never will be, Aiden. Since junior high, I examine your every move, and I hear your every word because I listen unlike most girls you'd chase after. Look at you, you're practically a god. These girls idol you. Even guys. Deep down, they want to be you because you're everything a girl wants and everything a guy wants to be. Girls try to hard to get your attention, wearing those skimpy outfits. I'll never be like that. I am not hot like the girls you chase after. But the mere thought of you using girls like them makes me not want to be up to par for your standards. I watch you kiss and tell, and screw and dispose. I've kept my mouth shut until now, Grey. Because you don't see how much it hurts to want the one person you know you can't have. Guys like you don't like girls like me. You don't fall in love like us. You don't see what is happening around you and it's hurts, Aiden. It hurts so much when I see your eyes trail up a girls legs because she's hot or popular and its know I'll never be her to catch those dark hazel eyes of yours. You make it seem impossible. You chase after girls who bully us, but you claim to protective of us. When is a time you've ever considered one as something more than a friend. Or even a girl who isn't known by the whole school? I can answer that for you. Never. Not once. You don't settle down, Grey."

I pursed my lips together as he sat there, shocked and silent at my whole speech. I wonder what was going through that handsome head of his.

Looking out into the trees, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a long second before he dare to speak.

"You're more seen than what you'd like to know, Miller. Those girls are jealous of you. Know why? Because you are loyal, and honest, and you can dress in jeans without looking homeless. They just want to be in your position. Venus, you don't understand how much goes on when you close your eyes. It's like, the world just stops but time is fast forwarded and you miss so much. Cold truth? You'll never be as popular and well known like Scarlette, but you're more beautiful on the inside just as well on the outside. They're jealous of that." Opening my eyes, I stared directly into his hazel irises. I saw every aspect of honesty and truthfulness. No gimmick, no joke.

He made my heart flutter faster and faster with each breathtaking moment that passes by. The wind hits me on my face as a cloud covers the sun, thus creating shade over us and the trees.

"I daren't tell you more reasons because the ending will stay the same no matter how much I ramble to you, Aiden Grey. I'd tell you I love you, and you'd say the same." I told him, catching a lock of hair in my fingers and pushing it behind my ear as I licked my lips and adjusted my legs. "Just not in the same way."

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