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My throat ran dry with all the sniffling. I followed the doctor calmly everywhere he went. I knew he'd eventually lead me to my parents, who happened to be dead.

I noticed the notes he'd write on the clipboard.

The Miller Family Accident.

Parents dead at scene.

Daughter survived - comatose

My critical condition was listed and my breath hitched as I remembered what the nurse had said. I'd have to fight with every ounce of me to get back home.

How do I fight? How do I get back? I'm all alone with no idea what to do.

The doctor eventually lead me to the morgue. Far from any of the hospital rooms. He checked the tags and two had revealed my parents.

The morgue was eerily silent. The wall as were painted a muted tone of dusty blue and the tools were silver and clean. He took notes and sat down on a seat in front of a computer, typing.

"Doctor." I called. "How do I fight back?"

I keep asking and talking and yet I know they won't hear me.

Frustrated, I walked over to the computer and waved my hand in front of it. Static sounded through it and messed up the image.

His eyebrows furrowed and he lightly smacked the screen. I took my hand away and gaped at it.

What the hell did I just do?

The screen fixed itself, and he returned to typing away at the letter keys.

I thought to myself, if I could wave my hand and make the screen all static-y, what else could I do?

I closed my eyes, concentrating hard on trying to get a message across to him. Clearing my mind, I pushed and pushed until -

Ring ring ring.

Ring ring ring.

"Hello?" He answered the call.

So much for ghostly powers, huh?

I rolled my eyes, stalking over to my parents body bags. Picking up the tag, I analyzed it to say Josie Miller.

"Mom." My voice cracked. Ugh, I can't cry again. I've cried too much today and it's only in the last couple of hours.

I sniffled, wiping away a stray tear. "Mom, help me. I don't know what to do." I sobbed.

"Oh, sweetie," she said behind me. "You know what to do."

My breath stopped for a second, analyzing my mother's tall, lean frame. She looked as beautiful as ever.

Her brown hair cascaded her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes were never so bright as they are now. It was almost as if she aged backwards.

Her tan olive skin shimmered under the morgue lights, making her glow brighter than the sun ever could.

"Let go." She said calmly with a smile on her face. "Just let go and stay with us. This was meant to be."

The comment slightly angered me. I hadn't known what to say. She wanted me to give up my potential-filled life to stay with her and Dad and Meredith.


I loved that little unborn baby. But I wanted to make this decision for me.

"Mommy, I wanna go back." I told her. She took me in her arms and cradled me tightly against her own. I felt as if I could finally breathe. "I don't know how to fight."

She pulled away and giggled lightly. "My dearest Venus, you'll know when the time is right. This is a journey where I won't be there to able to help you, my sweet. Follow you hurt and try your best. We taught you to be strong, to have willpower. Use it, baby. We know you can fight this battle. You're so strong, Venus. Stronger than anyone I've ever met. Don't let this small bump tear you down from what you want. You try everything and anything to get to where you want to go. We love you, Venus, our daughter."

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