A/N Please Read! Important!

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Hey guys, Molly here! Hope you enjoyed the book and if not, we'll I didn't ask you to read it anyways.

For those of you wondering why the chapters are all so short, I figured it was only a story told in a span of three months.

Feel free to leave any questions here and I'll try to personally message you about them.

1. I never really did explain in the book what grade she was in but she was a senior, 17 when she was in a coma.

2. Yes, the chapters are very short but if I had written them longer then there would be less chapters.

3. If you thought that this novel was somewhat confusing, the time line changes from past to present throughout the whole book. It says either PAST or PRESENT at the beginning of each chapter.

4. I was inspired by the Motion Picture If I Stay and decided to recreate it but with my own twists and turns. Yes, the events such as the car accident and the comatose were from the movie, but the other events were from my imagination so please don't hate/sue me.

5. A little more detail about the book, it actually took me only two whole days to complete and publish this book. It may seem unbelievable but when I have nothing to do, or I'm feeling inspired, or I just want to get a chapter out of the way, I always continue writing. Yes, my hands kind of did hurt after writing 13 chapters per day but it was all out of love. But yes, believe it or not, I did finish this book completely in two days time. I was very committed.

That being said, again I hope you've enjoyed breathe. as I have enjoyed writing it. Please, feel free to share with your friends and leave comments and tell me what you loved or what you hated.

I can take the hate although I prefer not to. Just tell me what you think and I'd be happy to answer any questions that linger in those beautiful minds of yours!

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