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Aiden had asked me to go with him to Nate's band gig at the abandoned studio tonight. Of course, I invited Grace along with but she denied and said she had things to do when we both knew she just wanted me to go on a date with Aiden Grey.

The abandoned studio was just an old green worn down garage space where the students of Greendale High would normally hang out. I was so not in that group. You know, the cool kind of group.

Nate was in a band called the Stitched Devils. Awkward, sort of. He was one of those punky rock out dudes. At first sight, you wouldn't have guessed it but that's because you wouldn't have known him for a couple years like I have.

We were neighbors at some point until he had to move somewhere else in the city. Now the house beside mine is empty and awaiting for someone to occupy it.

These guys were known to be pretty good but rock music just wasn't my scene. Like, at all.

Of course, you knew that. I was more soft and piano type, not blast-in-my-ears-until-they-bleed-profusely type gal. But Aiden insisted I'd like the band.

Speaking of him, he dressed up casually. Black jeans and snug fitting white tee shirt hugged his body better than his momma could.

He looked hot. The tee shirt sculpted his upper body into a mass of muscles that seemed to look like they were flexing when they really weren't.

His golden hair was naturally sexy in a messy style as if he had just got up from bed. Bed head looked good on him. Extremely good.

"Earth to daydreaming Venus." Aiden said, smirking as he waved a hand in front of my face. "I've been doing this for the past 45 seconds."

He laughed and it was like the angels were singing. His smile was the best thing I've ever seen since extra large Nutella and strawberry crepes at the fair. It made my heart go wild.

I've had a crush on this boy since middle school. Although he went through a bad boy phase then, it didn't stop me from melting at his smiles.

He still kind of messes around but not like a cliché bad boy. He'd never settle down but he wouldn't hook up with a different girl every night.

It was more like one every week. It still hurt though.

I've told Grace that I liked him and she had said she already knew by the way I'd practically fan my face with my hand every time I saw his dimples.

Shuddering at the thought of her best friend instincts, I rolled back into reality and let Aiden lead me into the garage and immediately I winced at the loudness of the music.

Girls were fangirling at the front row, eager to get close to Nate and the rest of the band. He look good, his dark brown hair sweaty and ripped tee shirt fit loosely but still looked good on his frame.

He was more on the skinnier side but I could still see the muscles that dare bulge from his arms.

Everybody was screaming or singing along. Girls were videotaping, guys were fist bumping. The crowd consisted mostly of the punky types.

I remember spotting a girl outside with electric blue hair with neon pink ends. Her outfit was actually really nice. She wore black skinny jeans that were ripped from the knee up, and a studded leather jacket that hung losely from her small shoulders. On her feet were white converse. I would wear that.

Needless to say, this wasn't my crowd.

Nate met my eyes and he smiled, nodding at me like one of the guys. I smiled and turned to find a seat. Aiden was no where to be found until I sat down with a view of every corner of the room.

I found him, kissing a girl by the door. She was a leggy brunette who pushed against him like a life support. The sight of them lip locking threw a pang in my chest.

I cleared my throat and turned my attention to Nate. I had no right to be jealous or mad, Aiden wasn't mine.

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