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'Some scars don't hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.—Joyce Rachelle


BEING ABUSED FROM such an early age is something most people would find mortifying. I have endured years upon years of torture by people who I thought cared for me.

My best friend and my second mother; Gary had always been a close family friend to us. He always seemed to look at my parents with admiration. He was so gentle with me.

My parents both had no siblings and no family alive. They had to think of someone who was worthy of looking after their daughter if something happened to them. That one person happened to be Gary.

Uncle Gary.

We were so close that I called him that.

Imagine the pain and hurt a child would have gone through when she or he found out that their parents had died in a car crash. I was old enough to understand that I wasn't going to see them again.

Now, imagine the pain that the child went through when the only family they had left tortured them for no reason. His once caring eyes, filled with hatred after that day. The worst thing about it though?

The fact that, that child had no idea what they had done to cause it.

Then her uncle married their best friend's mother. They knew he hit that small child. It happened so much that it wasn't anything new and that they thought they would try it.

Ever since the day my parents died, I have been this tiny shell. So hollow and fragile. The only people that child had left had abandoned them. The only people they had to look up to, gone. Just like that.

My cries for them to stop only fired them more. Punch after punch. Kick after a kick. Screams. Loud, piercing screams.

"You fucking bitch!" A fierce punch is thrown at my face. "How fucking dare you?"

I try to stop the pain. I try not to feel anything, but I am no vampire.

I am only human.

"You shouldn't have come in between my fight with Black you whore!" David reaches for my head and smashes it against the wall. A shrilling scream breaks free from my mouth when I feel a bone break.

David freezes. His glare penetrates straight through my own watery eyes. I slump down onto the ground and cry.

I cry for the life I have not had; the experiences I will never have. I grieve for my parents, and I weep for the fear I have lived with.

I have to stop this. I have to tell someone. Maybe not tonight but in time. I have to save myself.

I have to.


"So, I was thinking we base our story around a girl whose house in the country had burnt down. She loses everything and is then faced with the decision to stay and mend her broken land or, move to the city and start a new life and -" A bored Adam cuts off Lily.

"No offence, Lily, but that is a boring plot," Adam grumbled.

"Well, what do you have in mind then, Adam?" Lily glares at Adam obviously taking offence to Adams' previous statement.

"It could be something about a guy who's had to deal with a troublesome past thanks to this girl's brother..." Adam says, glaring at me.

Okay, let's just take a deep breath.

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