22 | TEDDY

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"I hate getting flashbacks from the things I don't want to remember."Unknown 


August 20, 2006.

ANGER; A HARSH, harsh feeling that everyone has felt. It's painful and it hurts because the only thought that runs through your mind at the time is how you're going to hurt someone or how you can just leave and never come back. I wanted something bad and I was angry. Maybe, this is about a Teddy bear? Teddy bears make people angry, right?

Well, for a seven-year-old that is.

"I want that teddy, Papa!" I scream, tears rolling down my face.

"Isabelle..." My Mama warns, giving me a pointed look. I shake my head and huff, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Isabelle!" My Papa yells frustratingly. I jump at the sudden noise and pout. I want that Teddy. I have to get that Teddy.

"No!" My screams fill the car. They're even louder than the crappy, pop music playing on the radio.

"Isabelle, you're going to cause a car crash if you don't shut up. Do you want Mama and Papa getting hurt?" Mama softly asks. I nod my head and glare at Papa.

"I hate, Papa," I whisper quietly.

"You don't hate Papa, you're just angry..." Mama grabs hold of my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Honey, you need to breathe, it's nothing to be sad about, and you've got lots of Teddy's at home." I stare at Mama before silently nodding. "Okay."

Mama smiles and turns to look at Papa.

"How much further?" Mama whispers quietly.

Mama never understands that I don't get anything. She thinks that I'm loved and have every toy a little girl would dream of.

I don't have that Teddy though.

"Papa?" I quietly ask.


"Papa..." I say a little bit louder this time.

Silence again. He's probably just deaf or something.

"Papa!" I shout.

Silence again. Papa is definitely ignoring me.

"Papa, Papa, Papa, Pa-" I'm cut off by Papa's loud booming voice.

"What, Isabelle!?" Papa turns around in his seat and glares at me. I don't like making Papa angry. Tears fill my eyes and my lip begins to tremble again.

"Papa I'm - " I was cut off by my body being thrown to the other end of the car. 

It's funny to think that in such a short time, your life can change so dramatically. Mama was the only one who saw the car, but before she could register what was happening, it was too late.

Someone screams but I don't know who. Black dots my vision as I take in the scene in front of me. Flames dance around me, teasing my blue eyes as I take it all in. That was the last thing I saw of that night.

No dead bodies of the people I loved. Just flames. Horrible, red, burning flames.


"We didn't see the car coming, it just happened," I cry. "It's all my fault, Adam! If I didn't fucking scream for my father's attention, then maybe they wouldn't have died. Maybe we would've continued our lives like we had before..."

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