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"Small lights have a way of being seen in such a dark world."—Neal A. Maxwell


"ISABELLE, WAIT UP!" I hear a person shout from behind me. I turn around and to see a very breathless Lily. I shake my head and smile at her.

"Did you seriously just run all the way here?" I inquire.

Lily nods her head. "Yup."

I softly laugh at her silliness and continue walking down the busy full halls of School.

"So..." Lily starts, "I was wondering - I know it's not your kind of thing, but..."

She stares at me for a few seconds before exploding the words out. "Do you wanna come to my birthday party? There are going to be like," Lily pauses and starts counting on her fingers, "maybe, like, sixty people? That's if people don't bring other people who bring other people who bring othe - "

"Lily!" I laugh. Lily looks up startled before shaking her head with a grin on her face.

"Sorry..." She says, smiling sheepishly.

"It's fine. I'm not sure though...I'm not really allowed to go out at night."

Ever since Lily and I have become friends I feel like I'm always lying to her. Everything I do and say are lies. She found a bruise on my leg the other day.

"How'd you do that?" Lily asks, pointing to my leg.

"This?" I question. She nods.

"Oh, well - you see, I was playing a game with David when he accidentally pushed me. I hit my shin on my bed but I'm fine. It's just a bruise anyways..."

Lies after lies. I hate lying to my friend. I know sooner or later I'll have to start ignoring her because she will become suspicious. That's the reason I'm not allowed friends. If David see's that one is being too pushy about a bruise or a cut, he'll punish me saying that I'm trying to ruin his family. So, I ignore them and save them from knowing I've been abused this whole time.

"How's the first chapter going with, Adam?" Lily asks.

"Well...actually, we haven't started yet," I say, scratching my head awkwardly.

"Oh well! you'll start soon, right?"

"Sure." The bell rings signalling next lesson.

"See you at lunch, Isabelle!" Lily skips off towards her next class. I shake my head with a smile on my face and walk to mine.


"I'm sorry!" I scream in pain when another punch is thrown to my stomach. Tears gush down my face. I try to hold them in but they always betray me.

"You worthless shit! You call this food?" Gary hisses through his teeth.

"It's a new dish, I haven't made it before. I swear I didn't purposely mean to make it taste bad..." I whimper. There is no point in pleading for him to stop. They don't show mercy.

Another punch is thrown to my stomach. I feel bile rise in the back of my throat.

"I'm going to be sick..." I whisper holding my stomach. Just as I say that, vomit spills out my mouth. Gary looks down at me disgusted.

He pulls me up by my shirt and looks me dead in the eye.

"You disgust me."


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