36 | DYING

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"It is not death, but dying, which is terrible."--Henry fielding


THE SMELL OF bleach overwhelms me as I open my eyes to a bright light. A beep pierces through my ears every second making me groan out loud. I feel so heavy, vulnerable even. My body isn't moving and feels like its paralysed. It's like a ton of bricks are weighing me down, suffocating me.

I close my eyes momentarily, trying to grab hold of my surroundings. The intensity of the light still manages to seep its way through my eyelids. I sigh before blinking my eyes open again and taking a look at the room where someone has captured me in.

It's definitely not my room, so, where?

After a few more minutes, the blinding light subsides to a duller brightness. The fact that I haven't put the pieces together yet has truly amazed me.

The smell of bleach, the annoying beep in my ears, the unfamiliar room, even the lighting. Really, Isabelle? I know where I am and I know why.

I'm in the hospital. It's because of them, again.

Suddenly, the ward door opens. I jump in fright and quickly look over at the culprit. A nurse in bright blue scrubs and disposable gloves stands before me, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm glad to see you're awake, Isabelle!" She cheers happily. The nurse walks over to me and gently grabs hold of my arm, adjusting the IV needle. I flinch away from her and stare silently.

"You've been out for quite some time, you must have been hit quite hard," she mumbles, more to herself than anything. I shrug my shoulders and lean my head back on the uncomfortable pillow underneath me.

"Some people would like to see you. I'll go grab them..." she says before leaving the room.

My heart begins to speed up at the thought of Adam, Nolan and Lily. It feels like for ages since I've last seen them. I close my eyes and softly smile as I remember the last time I was in the hospital. I definitely wouldn't have survived without all of them.

My family.

Finally, after a few more minutes of waiting, the ward doors open revealing a very despair filled Adam. My heart clenches at the sight and I shakily reach my hand out to him. Adam walks over to the bed and presses his lips against my forehead.

"I missed you, Prezioso..." he murmurs against my skin.

"How long have I been out for?" I mumble quietly. Adam looks down at me before grabbing a seat from behind him and grabbing my hand, entwining our fingers together.

"Too long. Two days, maybe? It's felt like an eternity though..." he mutters. I warmly smile at him and bring his knuckles to my lips, kissing them.

"I'm fine now..." I reply. Adam smiles at me, but still, his eyes aren't quite shining like they usually are.

"Where's Lily and Nolan?" I suddenly ask after a short silence. Adam turns his eyes to the side where I see a glassy layer of tears. He clenches his fist into a ball before looking back up at me.

"Isabelle," he mumbles. "Lily's in a coma..."

His words are like an echo that won't shut up. All at once, everything hits me hard. I lie still in my hospital bed, my body isn't moving, my eyes not blinking. Finally, my shaky hands begin to mess with the tips of my hair anxiously in thought.

I bite down on my lip - hard enough to draw blood – just to stop myself from bursting into tears. The familiar lump of despair lodges itself in my throat.

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