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I parked on the side of the street, slightly annoyed with who ever stole my usual shady spot. "I'm home!" I yelled, slipping off my shoes and into my fluffy slippers.

"Honey, why don't you come to the kitchen. We have something to tell you" my mothers voice ran from somewhere within the house.

I fumbled to hook my keys on the rack and threw my backpack onto the couch. Mother did not come home until late into the evening. And if she was home-it was usually bad news.

I stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. "Speak" I looked at my mother.

"You see dear, your father and I have decided to not move out of the neighborhood anymore. Instead we are moving out of the country." For the first time, mother looked slightly worried.

There was something that she was holding back from me. "And?" I prompted her.

"I meant to say, you are moving out of the country. You're going back to China. Without us."

The apple dropped to the floor and I hastily picked it up. "Me? By myself?" I squeaked.

My parents had no idea how much China meant to me. But sending me back to the motherland alone? My insides twisted at the thought of being in a large ass country by myself, but I was also relieved that I finally could go home.

"Wait, I need a second. You can not make these important decisions by yourself! Especially when it involves my wellbeing!"

my mother stood up from the kitchen stool and made her way towards me.

"We can go pick up your little sister together, and you can mull it over in the car."

I shook my head, "sorry mom. I need some space. Alone". My lungs began to feel heavy and I couldn't breathe.

Mother simply patted my hand before picking up the car keys and locking the front door behind her.

I watched her drive away before I ran upstairs.

This was really happening. For years I yearned to be back in China, with my friends who cherished me. But I don't know anymore if that was what I wanted.

I flopped down onto my bed, staring at the gray ceiling. Where would I live in China? Would I fit in? So many questions were running through my head.

I picked up my phone and dialed my best friend.

"Hello? Angie?"

I smiled hearing his voice again, "Henry! I've missed you."

Henry was a singer from Canada. He moved away to South Korea only a few months after I moved next door to him. He was currently promoting in China. We instantly clicked over our love of music and kept in touch even after he left.

"Angie, what's up? You never call unless something happens."

I roll my eyes, knowing that he couldn't see me. "It's just that I'm moving."

"Isn't that good then? You've always hated that school you go to."

He sounded confused over the phone. I sighed into the phone, "No this time I'm moving back to China, but alone."

"Seriously! You can come live with me! We'll go out to eat, I'll take you shopping, it'll be great!"

I wished that it would be as easy as Henry had imagined. Moving to a different country is difficult. I quit Chinese school back in middle school and I could not tolerate the humidity of China.

"Okay", I smiled into the phone, knowing that Henry would try his best to make me feel at home.

"I'll text you later with more details, I miss you. Bye."

I closed my eyes, feeling tired and worn out. I just needed one moment of peace and silence, but before I could relish my profound independence, mother came home.

"Mina! Guess what my teacher taught me today!"

My baby sister, Hannah, ran into my room with her shoes still on. She was only five years old, and could barely pronounce my full name right.

"Hannah! Take off your shoes, I just cleaned my carpet last week!"

She looked at me and hesitated before chucking her shoes out the room and over the stairs.

"There! Now listen!" She climbed into my bed. "I learned you to play your song on the violin!"

These small moments with my sister made me proud and at ease even though she was a talented brat. She stood in front of me with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Half way through the piece, she gave up and slumped to the floor. "Maybe next time Mina. I don't think it's good enough yet."

I gave her a hug and sent her back to her room with some advice. "Try to have fun playing the pieces. It's not about the notes, but about your feelings."

Once the door shut, I walked over to my desk and pulled out my only photo of him. His eyes twinkled and his smile was contagious. I couldn't help but trace over the lines of his face.

"When will I see you again?"

Waiting for him // TFBoysWhere stories live. Discover now