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Dear Diary,
I haven't wrote in you in a while, the play is fast approaching and not to long after that, our master plan. Killing Noni would be to easy. Not that I was a murder anyway. Making her suffer is where my heads at.

Since Ailani is head of homecoming she gets easy access to the gym.

Myah's job is to keep all teachers out of the gym. You know since she's the teacher's pet and all. Well closer to them then us anyway. After all she came back to join us. Which made her very useful.

Mellow's job is to make sure all props are in place. No wire or bucket is to be seen.

I even gave Issa a job. She was in charge of the projector. Displaying all negative images that we could find of her.

And me... well my job is as simple as it's always been. It's to watch. It may seem like I'm using them, but by the time this is over, we'll all reflect and see that, that night, will be the biggest change of our life.

I'm ready for the change. There is something odd I found though. I found a gun in Juna's dresser. I had no idea that he had one. But... I never really seen how much danger he was in until now. I will avenge him with every last fiber, breath, and or being in my body. He deserved better. He was better. Better then most. I've got final plans to make.


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