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Chapter five: "what's daddy going to say"

"What the flying fuck did you just do?" My best friend screamed, heads turned from several directions to see what was happening, even people walking in a completely opposite direction to us stopped walking to turn at the scene. My head dropped down to the table me and Ashton were sat at, my newly dyed hair in front of my face to cover up the redness of my cheeks.

"Shh Nia, everyone's staring," I hushed out, looking up at her through my eyelashes. She just stared down at me with her arms crossed and her nose hung up in the air, as if she were disappointed in me.

She ignored me. "When you told me you were dying your hair, I assumed you wanted to go lighter or maybe a tad darker, not bloody bright purple!"

"Babe," Ashton started, "sit do-"

"Shut up Irwin," her eyes darted to her boyfriend for a split second before she finally sat down in one of the chairs in front of her, an exaggerated sigh escaped her lips as she placed her head on her hand, "ugh, I like it."

My head snapped up, my eyes darting at the girl, looking over every detail of her face just so I could give myself some consolidation, "really?"

"Yeah, I'll have to get used to it first though, but girl what are your parents gonna say about it."

I shrugged, my fingers twiddling with a strand of purple hair as I thought about it, "nothing good, I'd be lucky if all they do is ground me."

"Or make you re-dye it again," Ashton pointed out, sipping out of the coffee that was placed in front of him, along with several other donuts.

We have been in the mall for about three hours now, walking around and pointing out things that we want to buy but evidently can't afford. Nia had decided to tag along after she did her babysitting job, and I'm thankful she joined as I was dreading going home.



"Probably," I spoke up, glaring at Nia, "doesn't mean I'm gonna do it though."

Ashtons eyes glanced over to his girlfriend, a look in his eyes that said he didnt quite believe me. Nia rolled her eyes and turned to me, a wide smile on her face, "what's daddy going to say huh?"

"Luke can kiss my ass, I like my hair," I shrugged grabbing Ashton's coffee and taking a sip only to be looked at with death. "Besides, if he wasn't so busy fucking my mom then this wouldn't have happened."

Nia's scrunched up in a look of disgust, "that put an image in my head that I didn't want to see."

"Luke's not even your dad anyway, right? So he shouldn't have to tell you what to do." Ashton spoke up, his eyes looking at me with a hint of mischief.

Nia snorted, "yeah but he is her daddy."

Nia yelped in pain as my foot came in contact with her shin, my eyes glaring at her in such distaste. Ashton chuckled beside us before standing up, his chair scraping against the floor in such an ear wracking sound that I cringed.

"I am tired, and in need of going home," Ashton spoke up, sipping at his coffee one last time before grabbing his jacket that was draped on the back of his chair.

Nia nodded and stood up also, "yeah, I need a ride home anyway so I'm coming with."

Two pairs of eyes turned to me and I furrowed my eyebrows, I really didn't want to go home. But I shrugged anyway feeling my phone ring in my pocket, reaching for it and watching as Luke's name flashed upon the screen.

"It's Luke," I chuckled, "you two go ahead, I'll get Luke to pick me up."

The two nodded, Ashton reaching over to interlace his hand with Nia's before they both said their goodbyes and left. I looked back down at my phone and pressed the accept button, placing it against my ear in time for Luke's gruff voice to be heard through the phone.


"Hi," I smiled, grabbing my bag from beside me and finally standing up, getting ready to exit the small cafe.

Luke sighed on the other side of the phone, "are you okay? I haven't seen you all afternoon."

"Yeah, I left to go shopping with Ashton, I left a note on the fridge?"

"I know, I saw." Luke chuckled, "I'm parked outside."

I swallowed, I was already heading towards the exit anyway but I didn't want to see his reaction to my hair. I know that he's going to hate it and honestly that's something I don't want to happen.

"V? You still there?"

"Yeah, I am, erm I'll be there in a second." And just like that I hung up the phone, pulling my bag further up my shoulder and finally pushing the glass doors open to exit the shopping centre.

The rows of cars that were sat in front of me made it almost impossible to find Luke's car, and after five more phone calls and ten minutes of looking I finally found the familiar car. Luke was seated in the drivers seat, and although he couldn't see me just yet I still grew nervous and my stomach churned.

Clenching my hands together, I walked up to the car and pulled open the passenger door, stepping inside of the car before shutting the door behind me.

Luke was still looking down at his phone, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip as he read over something, that was probably on Facebook.

I swallowed, clasping my hands together and almost regretting dying my hair. Luke spoke up first, his eyes still looking down at the phone, "hi, princess."

"Hey," I spoke softly, I could hear the worry in my voice as it wavered slightly and at this Luke looked up. His eyes raked over my face first, eyeing me up with concern until he looked at my hair. My once blonde hair now purple locks that curled down to my waist.

His lips parted and his blue eyes widened tremendously until I was pretty sure that they were going to pop out, his hands let go of his phone and his mouth continued to open and shut until he finally spoke up.

"Violet," he spoke softly, disbelief written across his face, "please tell me that you're wearing a wig or something, or that I'm maybe going completely out of my mind."

My cheeks reddened and I looked down at my clasped hands, sweat building up in between them which made my face churn in disgust. Luke's voice then turned into anger at my mute self, my eyes keeping away from his as I didn't dare to look at him.

"Because what the fuck did you just do."


hey, i know this has taken forever to update and it's such a small chapter but i literally have exams coming up and i have been studying so so so so much so im sorry about the short and long ass time to update chapter

i was thinking about making shorter chapters and so i can update more often for you guys, with more speech in also bc i feel it's easier to read that way idk

but thank you so much for 1k, especially since this is a rewrite and it would be boring to read the whole story again

thank you so much for reading this piece of trash and ill see you the next time I update :))

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