Chapter two

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He pulled me into the house like he was a little kid in a candy store asking mommy for a lollipop. I kept walking behind him confused as to why I agreed to this. It was really strange. He opened the door and pushed me in ahead of him. The foyer was nice. A large painting of a beautiful family was on the wall and candle holders hung on the grey-ish purple walls on each side of it. We turned to the door way on the right and he pulled me through it and down two steps into a living room. There was a set of really clean white couches that had a wooden chest like end table on each end of them and a matching coffee table. There were plants in the corners and Framed photos everywhere. A woman was up on a stool dusting a photo on the other end of the room. She had a small frame like me and the same blonde hair as me but it was cut two inches above her shoulders instead of waist length like mine. She was dressed in a pink cashmere sweater and white cotton calf length pants. "That's mom." He whispered and coughed. She spun around and squealed with delight. She jumped off the stool and strode over to Heath and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Darling how was school. Oh and who is your friend?" She hugged me and stood back smiling. "You didn't tell me you'd have company, I haven't finished the unpacking and cleaning yet." He soft high voice was beautiful and she mimicked a frown. "It seems as though she can't speak."

I searched for words but I couldn't find them. Her soft Blue eyes were the exact shade as mine and even had a quarter of them green, like mine. Her lips were the same shade of pink and her little nose was exactly like mine.

"I I I'm sorry I just couldn't get o-over the resemblance." I blushed.

"What resemblance honey?" She asked, her voice dancing in the warm room.

"Um, the uh, resemblance. You know between us." I felt unsure. She looked confused and I knew I saw a resemblance there.

"I don't quite see it, though you are beautiful."

Heath laughed, "I don't either. I mean other than the blonde hair that's it."

They both started to stroll towards the hall way and I was stuck. Over a long wooden table with a glass top that held some candles I saw a mirror and I looked in it. I wasn't mistaken, she and I looked like sisters. This was weird but okay. I followed into a dining room and over to a window to the kitchen where Heath was standing.

"..and so she gave me a ride to school and home."

"Well, I know I should be upset since you didn't know her before you got in a car with her or went into a strangers house, I'm glad you made a new friend. Sarah has a friend with her too and Paul is outside with the neighbors poking into their garden to see if their ph level is right for their flowers." When I looked puzzled she said, "Paul is twelve and wants to be a horticulturist."

"That's great he knows what he wants to do."

She smiled and I realized she was chopping celery and onion and carrots were already diced on the wooden cutting board.

"Oh I didn't know you'd be cooking and I-I really should go."

"No nonsense." She smiled and went back to chopping, "You will stay for dinner."

I was about to protest when I felt the freezing sensation. It was more strong this time and she was smiling at me. I closed my eyes and waited for the feeling to pass. When it did I was lying on a bed in a room that looked like it came out of a JC Penny catalogue. The bed was covered in a blue and red plaid print and had matching shams. There was a light wooden desk with a Mac computer, a desk lamp and a cup of pens and pencils on it. There was a matching bed frame, dresser, and night stand with that. A T.V. was on a swiveling stand bolted to the wall above the desk. The room was spotless. I sat up and looked around when Heath stepped from a bathroom changed into tan cargo shorts and a green polo shirt. He looked cute, but I wouldn't admit that to him. He smiled at me.

"Hey are you okay? You got all pale and said you wanted to lye down before dinner."

"I don't remember that." I honestly didn't. I was ready to leave. He smiled again at me and I felt my heart melt. He was so gorgeous. He plopped on the bed next to me.

"Well I brought you some aspirin." He nodded his head and I looked over at the night stand. In between an iHome and a framed photo of him and two younger kids in matching outfits in the grass, was a glass of water and two round white pills. "I thought you may want them for your head."

I looked at them and felt bad because he was being sweet but I was allergic. "I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to aspirin."

"Oh." He looked down and got up taking the pills and walking to the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and he came out. "Well would you like a tour of the house?"

We walked out of his room and the hall way was the coolest hallway I'd seen. It was really big and square. At one end were two stair cases that led down curving on either side of the house. We walked across the hall and there was a pink door that had fancy gold painted letters that said "Lady Sarah". A green door next to that with the same lettering said "Lord Paul".

"Their twins. They want everything to look the same accept hers is pink and his is green." We peeped in one room, then the other and sure enough they were identical other than the colors. Both had white bed frames. A bed up high like a bunk bed but had a desk underneath with the same computers in the same place. They each had a wall with blocked shelves. Each block on the right side had bins that labeled clothes (shirts, pants, undergarments, etc.) and a T.V in one of the blocks with books and photos filling the rest. It was a little creepy.

Next to Paul's room was a door that led to a library. We went in. It was great with huge wooden shelves holding books and books. There were two red leather chairs with a table between them. I went and sat in one and closed my eyes.

"Enjoying yourself?" I almost jumped at the closeness of his voice. I opened my eyes and he was about four inches from my face leaning over me with one hand on each arm of the chair. Why was he always invading my personal space. He looked down at my lips then back to my eyes.

"Heath, Dezzy? Dinner is ready. We'll be eating in the dining room. don't forget to wash up." His mothers perky voice danced over the intercom by the door. I got up after he moved and we went to a bathroom to wash our hands.


Dinner was amazing and I was headed home. Everyone was very perky and overly perfect in that house it was weird. My phone buzzed. I picked it up. I'm not very tech smart so an iPhone was probably a bad idea. I could rarely figure out how to use it other than for calls and barely texting. I looked at the green speech bubble. Kara, I forgot I hadn't seen her all day.

Kara: Ay gurl, wat wuz wit u 2day??

Dezzy: A little busy, whats up?

Kara: well, u n me, 2morrow nite, the opera.. Plz

Eh, the opera was a skanky club that we used our fake id's to get into when Kara broke up with her latest boy toy, so I usually went so she wouldn't be crying because they used her like always.

Dezzy: Okay girl, are you okay?

Kara: will b wen im pmped full of liquor n dancing XD

I put my phone in my purse and left the car. The last thing I wanted to do was go dancing when I kept blacking out.


This story is going to move much faster than the other ones I hope you like it. Next chapter is where the fun begins.... :)

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