Warrior Princess Ch. 6

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After I caught my breath I put on the dress, feeling a little embarrassed with having to wear the dress that belonged to my supposed sister that I didn't know. I looked back into the mirror in the bathroom. My face could look better but I guess it could look worse too. I ran Heaths comb through my hair and flipped it to add a little body. The loose dress rubbed over on my bruised skin. I sighed. I didn't want to go down and face them, but I knew I had to.

The kitchen leaked an aroma down the hall that made my stomach growl. I could smell pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me as I entered the room.

"Hey, uh, the food smells good."

"Sit sit," Claire ran up to me and pulled me into a hug, "please, ill make you a plate."

I walked over to the table and sat down next to Sarah. She smiled at me as she popped a piece of pancake in her mouth. Claire came back in the dining room and put a plate in front of me that was loaded with food. I realized I hadn't eaten since lunch on Friday, and that I also had no idea what day it was. I took a bite of my pancake and it tasted so good. The texture was perfect and the warm sweetness of the syrup exploded my taste buds. Claire was quite the Suzie Homemaker.

"Wow Claire this is delicious." I said between bites.

"Oh, thank you, I learned the recipe from Martha Stewart. She is one amazing lady."

I laughed mentally. She was a warrior who fought in Gucci and Prada, and she loved Martha Stewart.

"Desdemona, there is a lot we need to tell you." Mike said.

"Dezzy." Heath corrected him as he squeezed my hand under the table.

"I'm sorry, Dezzy. There is a lot we need to tell you about our late Queen Camilla, and why we need you."

"Can I ask you a question. Why now?"

"Well you about to turn eighteen. That's when Camilla was going to step down to you."

"But why was she not going to step down to Claire?"

They all looked around at each other with uncomfortable expressions on their faces. Heaths face got red and he looked at his plate.

"I'm going to go water the hydrangeas." Paul got up from his chair and Sarah picked up her plate and followed him out of the dining room.

"Claire," Mike looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Ugh, okay, see I may be older but, well the Kingdom needs to thrive. To do that there needs to be links with other kingdoms. Well, I'm too old for all of the sons of the neighboring hierarchies. And our brother is younger than you which is too young for the daughters. You are the age that works for one son, and our family needs to link with theirs for strength."

"Wait, you are telling me I have to marry some strange boy who is probably ugly and pathetic because he cant find love, just to make our family stronger?"

"Hey, he's not ugly and pathetic!" Heath said to me, looking mad.

"Dezzy, please we need this. If not our nation will go to war alone." She pled.

"I'm not going to marry someone for ties. What about love?!" I was getting mad, this was ridiculous.

"Desdem, Dezzy, please, Heath is not that bad, and if we bring your memory back you'll see, you guys were great friends as children." Mike looked hopeful and I was stunned silent.


I dropped his hand from my lap and backed my chair away from the table. "So this is all so I can marry Heath?"

"Dezzy, it wont be that bad, and I mean if you want you don't even have to be with me. It can be figurative." He looked at me like he was recovering from a vicious slap.

"Heath, you knew about this!"

"I-I yeah, I did. B-but I mean, I lo"

"NO! This isn't happening! I'm so out of here."

I jumped from the chair, forcing it to fly backwards, and stomped from the room. I don't know why they actually thought that one kiss from him and I would be flying to the isle with him. No, this was not happening. I ran up the stairs to his room. I saw my heels and dress in the corner of his room and I was not giving my self a reason to come back here. I slammed the door to Heaths room and as I was about to pull of Claire's dress when Heath ran into the room.

"Get out Heath, I need to change, I'm leaving."

"No. God what is wrong with you?" He was yelling at me.

"What do you mean me? Oh I'm sorry I don't want to marry you so our families become one big happy bunch!. I'm such a terrible person." I said sarcastically while waving my arms around.

"Jesus, don't you get it!" He ran up to me and gripped my arms firmly and started to shake me. "We need you! I need you! I waited almost ten years to see you again." His grip loosened and he stared into my eyes. "Why won't you do this. There are people counting on us. I promise, I'll be beside you during battle. I won't ever let anyone hurt you, but to be there we need to join. Please."

"I. Heath, I don't know you."

"You can get to know me." He stepped closer to me and massaged my arms with his hands. "Please."

"Heath, I.." He cut my off by pressing his finger over my lips.

"Just, tell me you never want to see me again."

"What, why?"

"Just say it."

Could I say it. I knew it wasn't true. I looked into his eyes, but if I said it I would be able to leave and he wouldn't ask me to marry him. On the other hand I would probably never see him again and I didn't want that. He didn't give me time to answer him. He shoved me on the bed and leapt on top of me. "That's what I thought." He smirked and crushed his lips onto mine. When I felt him open his mouth and lick my lips, I stopped thinking, closed my eyes, and opened my lips allowing him to enter my mouth. I heard him grunt as he kissed me and pulled my hands up above my head, lacing our fingers together. His mouth was soft and warm on mine and he danced his tongue around mine. Heat surged through my veins and warmed my cheeks and ears. My stomach was doing little flips and cartwheels, blowing the wind out of my lungs. I felt the chill of heat run all through my body. He moved his hands down my arms to my neck and kissed me all over my neck and collar bone.

"Please, just give me a chance." He whispered right before nibbling my ear lobe. He moved his way back to my mouth and deepened his kiss while rubbing my sides.

"What if it doesn't work out?" I breathed in his ear while he kissed the hollow of my jaw.

"Don't worry. It will."


I need some comments.. i'm not sure if i like how this is going... opinions anyone?

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