Warrior Princess Ch. 8

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I had forgotten about my face until my parents walked in the door of Heath's house.

"Oh my god, Dez, what happened!" My mother ran over to me and looked at my face touching it lightly. "Claire, how dare you let this happen? This is exactly why we kept her away from the otherworld." She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Isabella, please," My dad put his hand on her shoulder, "Heath explained what happened, you know its not Claire's fault."

"Those people would never have found her if they hadn't come." she said still hugging me.

"Isabella, stop this right now." He barked at her.

She backed away a little and glared at him while drawing in a deep breath.

"Okay, so, Dezzy. Honey." She closed her eyes and took another quick deep breath, "How are you?" Sad tears welled into her eyes and she looked really sad. "Do you hate us?" She sounded like a sad child.

"Oh, mom no!" I sighed loudly at her. "Why would I hate you?"

She held back a sob, "Oh, Matthew she called me mom!" She squeezed me into a tight hug again and wiped her eyes. "I thought you would hate me."

"I could never hate you."

The thought had never occurred to me that I would be mad at them. The short woman and tall skinny man were not my real parents. They had erased my memory and lied to me my entire life. But some how, I couldn't bring up an angry bone in my body toward them. They did what was right by me and being mad at them would be just plain ridiculous. I smiled at my mom and hugged her back.

"So, I guess you'll be moving with your um, actual family, now." She looked uncomfortable.

The discomfort meter in the room peaked to an all time high, and we all looked around at anything but each other.

"Yeah, mom," I looked at Heath and I smiled when he winked, "I guess I am."


Dinner was very uncomfortable and when they left I sighed with relief. I loved them, but it was hard to be around. I walked up stairs and was headed for Heath's room and was intercepted by Mike.

"So, I know that you are going to be married to Heath soon, but" His cheeks flushed and he said, "Claire and I would feel comfortable if you slept in your own room."

I stumbled on my words, what was I going to say to him. I looked at him and nodded.

"Heath will show you to your room, but I will check to make sure he comes back down." He sounded all parent like and walked away from me into the library.

I walked to Heath's door and knocked. When I opened the door he was sitting at his desk doing homework on his laptop. He looked so cute. He looked up at me and smiled.

"So, did you talk to your sister? Or Mike?" He chuckled and I blushed. "I think they don't want me to rape you!" He started laughing harder and I walked over and punched him in the arm.

"Shut up!" I said and smiled. It was a little funny.

"Well, yeah you're right, I think its me getting raped they are worried about." He kept laughing and stood up. "So, do you want me to show you your room."

We walked into the hall and up the spiral staircase to the third floor. He stopped at the room three doors down and opened the double doors. "Claire says this is the guest suite."

The room was amazing. It was one of those that is like a suite in a really expensive motel; divided into two rooms. The first was a living area that had two sleek white chairs and a table and entertainment center. On the left wall was a bookshelf covered in books and fancy statues. Through the wide doorway in the other part of the room was the bedroom and it had a giant four post bed that sat high off the ground. Across from the room was a dresser and a desk with a TV on the wall in a holder like the one in Heath's room. The walls were a smooth chocolate brown color with green trim for the base boards. The dark hard wood floor set off the brown walls and cream bed spread and matching carpet. It was amazing that this room was for guests.

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