Gringotts Again

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Gringotts Again

The next day began shortly before seven and just like yesterdays with a one-hour run through the park. Then I waited until my parents went to work. Subsequently, I had a few hours to look after my potions and books and to work on the plan I was going to discuss with Mr. Rangok. Afterwards, I began to turn into my fake identity, Minna Cale. At 1 o'clock I stood before Mr. Rangok's door in Gringotts.

"Ah, Miss Granger! Nice to see you, come and sit," he greeted me kindly after my bow, and I did as I was told.

"First of all I would like to thank you, because your protection group did an excellent job. I am more than satisfied. In the course of this, I wanted to ask you to redirect payment flows from my father's account to the gardener and his spouse so that they're coming out of my Gringotts account. That way he won't notice that the house is now no longer available and at the same time, I would like you to cancel the orders with the companies concerned! " I listed out getting right to the point of the matter. While I was busy, he eagerly recorded the points on a piece parchment, which, after I had finished, once again vanished no doubt by magic.

"Very thoughtful, Miss Granger. I will see to it that everything is done according to your wishes," he replied tentatively, looking at me in a typically goblin-like manner.

"Wonderful, I must say I'm amazed at your speed," I complimented.

"What do I still owe you for the protection of my house?" I asked curiously.

"Because of the information that Mr. Grophok gave me, I think that 5,000 galleons would be appropriate for the one hour, Miss Granger," snarled the little creature.

I nodded and reached for the blood feather quill lying on the table. I would not begin to get lost with Gringotts and begin to act. Rangok already pushed the parchment to be signed towards me.

"I have one more question. You have failed to mention if you want the dungeon that your parents have set up for you to continue to exist or be transferred to your high-security trust. For the moment, your parents have been paying 2,500 galleons a year for the last 5 years. So far, you have not used much, so the credit on the account is 10,000 galleons," he said, I had no doubt that this was accurate as money went above all for the goblins.

"Keep the standard vault and please use the money," I decided.

"Now, onto a more complex problem!" I began. The goblin made himself comfortable in his chair, and when he was ready he made a small gesture with his hand that signified that I should go ahead.

"You know the subject is that he-who-should-not-be-named is back, and no matter what the Daily Prophet or the Ministry says, I believe Harry Potter!" I told him making my view of things to Mr. Rangok very clear. "In light of this, my whole plans are based on this knowledge," I continued.

"That is why, in the coming summer holidays, I am planning to send my parents abroad with a new identity so that they are out of reach of the Death Eaters who will surely be after me. As a so-called Mudblood and as the best friend of Harry Potter, I fear I must prepare for that outcome!" I said.

"I will not expose my parents to this danger and I refuse to be put into a situation where I could be blackmailed with my parents' life," I explained. I took a deep breath, the goblin remained quiet in front of me, absorbing in the serious information I was relaying him.

"As always, I assume that everything will be treated with the utmost discretion, I for hope your support in the implementation of this plan!" I stared Mr. Rangok directly in the eyes as I made this statement and he gave me an attentive but gentle nod.

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